“The Family Is Alive In The Power Of The Spirit,”

In Collaboration with the World Meeting of Families 2015, we were invited to attend a multi-cultural event held at the Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, PA. The event provided a forum for Charismatic’s to gather together to hear thought provoking words from Charismatic leaders around the world on “The Family Is Alive In The Power Of The Spirit,” while enjoying lively praise and worship music.

Truly this was another; “Moment in Time”, that many of us were not able to attend including myself for a variety of reasons yet the significance of this gathering has reached into the hearts of all of us in the Renewal. This is the inclusive power of the Holy Spirit which transcends time & space allowing all to share the movement of the Spirit as one body in Christ!

We witnessed through social media, written reports and the generosity of our brothers & sisters from CBN that we are truly one body in Christ, (click to CBN report). Ethnicity within the Catholic Church and ecumenical unity with all our brothers & sisters who profess Jesus as Lord is possible in the unity of the Holy Spirit!

Taking a step in faith the many who organized this event were not disappointed as the Presence of God through all who were called to minister at the conference reaffirmed indeed, the family is alive in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Even though the 5,000 expected to attend only numbered 2,500 and financially the organizers have suffered a loss we have all gained! At a meeting of the leadership to deal with the loss the comments were made, “communion has a cost” and “we came together as an experiment and built a beautiful relationship”.

If we are to do the will of God, Jesus asks of us everything! What a testimony we have witness in this gathering! May we the body of Christ support our brothers & sisters who took the step in faith and help offset the cost that they suffer!

Check out the report written by Tammie Stevens in Pentecost Today Here!