UPDATE – Application Process is now closed.

Thank you for your interest!

Position Overview

The National Service Committee (NSC) is seeking to hire a full-time Young Adult Coordinator who is passionate about bringing baptism in the Spirit to young adults. The NSC has never had a young adult ministry program, and it is our hope that the young adult coordinator will be able to broaden the scope of the NSC by serving the young adults specifically.


  • Find and promote young adult speakers, witnesses, musicians, prayer ministers, artists.
  • Plan leadership and outreach events.
  • Bridge the gap between the older and younger charismatic generation.
  • Build relationships with other Catholic movements of the Holy Spirit.
  • Propose a yearly budget.
  • Develop an advisory young adult team.
  • Strive to improve the young adult outreach and ministry in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal


For more information visit our Ministry Opportunities page.

Closing Date for this position was July 10, 2015.