Johnny Bertucci, NSC Chairman

Johnny Bertucci, NSC Chairman

Will you be ready?

Throughout my years in the Renewal there have always been large Pentecost celebrations. Pentecost 2016 has seen The Vigil Project (, The Ark and The Dove’s Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Pentecost Rally (, and International Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services’ (ICCRS) Pentecost of the Nations (, to name just three.

Next year, when the Catholic Charismatic Renewal celebrates its 50th anniversary, Pope Francis will host a Pentecost celebration in St. Peter’s Square. Recently, Pope Francis met with ICCRS and the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships (CF) to discuss the “Great Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal at Pentecost 2017.” His emphasis is on unity. His desire is that the event be ecumenical, a celebration for all Christians, not just for Catholic Charismatics. According to a report on the meeting, “He said that the Spirit is asking new things of us and that we should be prepared for the surprises of the Holy Spirit.” (See

The National Service Committee and Franciscan University have planned a special Jubilee Pilgrimage starting in the Holy Land and ending in Rome, celebrating Pentecost 2017 with Pope Francis. Led by Bishop Sam Jacobs and Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, a group of pilgrims will explore the Holy Land then fly to Rome and join with ICCRS and Pope Francis for the Pentecost celebration of a lifetime. Journey with us on this unique trip (

I sense that the Holy Spirit is already surprising us. This past year has been filled with many surprises such as purchasing The Ark and The Dove, the hiring of a Young Adult Coordinator, and a Charismatic Renewal Edition of the New Testament. The Holy Spirit spoke recently through a prophecy at an NSC meeting saying: “If I move quickly, will you be ready?” I want to be ready!