Other Articles

On Revelations and Apparitions

Norms of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Concerning the Procedures for Judging Presumed Apparitions and Revelations In 1978 the Vatican Congregation of the Faith published  "Norms of the Congregation for Proceeding in Judging Alleged Apparitions and...

Thoughts on Evangelization

By David Thorp This is the specific parish bulletin insert that David Thorp prepared as a follow-up to his article originally published in Pentecost Today Jan/Feb/March 2011 p.3. These twenty-six “Thoughts on Evangelization” have been written to help Catholics...

¿Cuál es la naturaleza de la Renovación Católica Carismática?

por Charles Whitehead Este fascículo es una versión editada de una plática dada a alrededor de 700 líderes de la Renovación Católica Carismática de todo el mundo, el 19 de Septiembre de 2003 en el Centro Focolare de Castelgandolfo, Italia. Me pidieron que me refiriera...

What is the Nature of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal?

by Charles Whitehead. This paper is an edited version of a talk given to over 700 leaders in the worldwide Catholic Charismatic Renewal, on September 19th 2003, at the Focolare Centre, Castelgandolfo in Italy. I was asked to address the question “What is the nature of...

Unity Statement

Adopted by the participants in an Ad Hoc Meeting of Leaders in  St. Louis, February 23, 1995 Ratified by the participants at the 1997 National Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference, June 29, 1997 Amended by the participants at the Gathering of National Leadership...

Planning a “Jesus Lives!” Day

A "Jesus Lives!" Day is an evangelistic event that is used as a kick off for the Life in the Spirit Seminar.  Click on the link below for an outline of the key elements that will be part of this event. Jesus_Lives_day

Christmas Carol Festival: A New Way to Reach Inactive Catholics

By John Boucher Christmas songs and music were the most popular religious-themed Internet searches during the last four weeks of both 2006 and 2007. One of the most popular Websites is called www.hymnsandcarolsofchristmas.com that presents the history, words, and...

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