- Adopted by the participants in an Ad Hoc Meeting of Leaders in St. Louis, February 23, 1995
- Ratified by the participants at the 1997 National Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference, June 29, 1997
- Amended by the participants at the Gathering of National Leadership Groups: Catholic Charismatic Renewal, January 17, 2001
To fulfill our call to bring this grace of Pentecost into the life of all to whom God sends us, we recommit ourselves to appropriate the prayer of Jesus for unity, “May they all be one” (Jn 17:21), by:
- Responding to the call for deeper unity with Jesus through prayer;
- Working for unity in all relationships through repentance, reconciliation and friendship;
- Fostering unity with the Church through loyalty and obedience to our Bishops, the Magisterium and the Holy Father, especially in his pastoral vision for the new millennium, Novo Millennio Ineunte.
- We entrust ourselves and this commitment to Mary, our Mother, and invoke her intercession and that of all the saints to help us remain faithful to this call.