The Association of Diocesan Liaisons (ADL) met this past April 20-24 at the Malvern Retreat Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for their Annual Convocation. The theme of this year’s convocation was “Unity in Diversity,” based on a quote by Pope Francis in July 2014 that the “Holy Spirit creates unity, and…the Church is one in diversity.” Two papers were presented and discussed at length: 1) Father Make Us One by Aggie Neck and 2) What is the Holy Spirit saying to Catholic Charismatic Renewal About Unity by Dan Almeter.

As part of the Convocation we set aside time for an outing for the purpose of fellowship, continued sharing, and relaxation. This year we attended Mass with Archbishop Chaput at the National Shrine of St John Neumann. We then enjoyed some true Philly cuisine and toured Independence Hall National Park in Philadelphia. This was especially significant for us to tour the Hall where discussions and debates resulted in the United States of America as our conversations and discussions had been focused on “Unity in Diversity.”

Charles Miche led a facilitated discussion to help us better understand our mission and determine a pathway for unified action to fulfill our vision. The fruit of this exercise was the alignment of the ADL regionally using the same geographic areas as the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This will allow connections with liaisons in each region and enable better assistance with their needs.


Back Row – Fr Anthony Oulette, Chuck Hornsby, Carlos Nogueira Front Row – Gloria Coyne, Marianne Skrobiak, Jackie Morgan

An election for the Steering Committee was held where three new members were elected. The current steering committee for 2015-2016 is Marianne Skrobiak: Chairman, Deacon Carlos Nogueira: Vice Chair, Jackie Morgan: Secretary, Fr Anthony Ouellette, Gloria Coyne and Chuck Hornsby.

Next year’s Convocation will be held in the Alleluia Community in Augusta, Georgia on April 11-15, 2016. This ecumenical Christian community will provide us with a unique experience in ecumenical unity and the love of the Lord in a different venue. We invite any and all liaisons, or those who serve in that capacity, to join us. You can find more information about the Association of Diocesan Liaisons at