Unanimous and Persevering Prayer

Intercessory Prayer Initiative for CHARIS

Dear fellow servants of the Lord,

By now you are probably aware that ICCRS and the Catholic Fraternity will complete their service to the Renewal at Pentecost this year, and the new entity, CHARIS (Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service), will formally begin its service.

This message to you today is to invite you, indeed to urge you, to pray during Lent and Eastertide, in thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done through the Renewal up to now, and to intercede for the fruitfulness of CHARIS in serving the Renewal into the future.  To this end, we are launching an intercessory prayer initiative, seeking to cover and surround this time in prayer, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from Ash Wednesday until Pentecost Sunday!

How to Pray

We urge you to pray as the Holy Spirit leads you, and especially to pray in tongues: For all the preparations being done to prepare for the launch of CHARIS at Pentecost, and that the current of grace that we have experienced over more than 50 years will continue strong through the fruitful fulfillment of the mission of CHARIS, for the glory of God and the good of God’s people and the whole world!

In a recent article sent out with the ICCRS Newsletter, the Moderator of CHARIS, Jean-Luc Moens, wrote:

“On Kim Kollins’ initiative, we are launching a campaign of prayer in preparation for Pentecost. In March, April and May, you will be sent a meditation by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa with prayer suggestions. I am encouraging you to take an active part in this prayer campaign, important for both the CCR and the Church.” 

So, this call to prayer sent to you today is in response to the CHARIS campaign.  Although it is a separate initiative, it is presented to you in an effort to support and encourage the goals of the CHARIS campaign which was launched on March 7.

Will you dedicate one hour, or more, to intercession for this critically important time?  Will you share this initiative with your prayer group, community, ministry, and other individuals who may also be called to intercede?

Below is a link to a sign-up sheet to make a firm commitment of when you and your prayer group, community, ministry, etc. will join in this intercessory prayer initiative.  Thank you for your prayers, and for your faithfulness in serving the Renewal.  God bless you!

In Jesus, celebrating the gift of the Holy Spirit,

Walter Matthews
Executive Director
National Service Committee


Specific Instructions for Signing up:

If at any time you have questions or comments, please direct them to Virginia King by filling out the form below. Virginia is the volunteer who is coordinating this sign-up initiative.

Plan Your Time

You can sign up for just one hour, on any date, or multiple hours on any date or any range of dates.

Sign Up Online

You can use the online sign-up sheet by clicking on the button below:

Get Help

Or, if it is easier for you, you can just send a message to Virginia King (using the form below) to sign up for a specific time-slot.

You can choose a single hour on a single date, multiple hours on multiple dates, or a repeat time slot (for example, 4:00 – 5:00 every Thursday afternoon).  Virginia will then fill in your information on the on-line sign-up sheet on your behalf.

Questions and Comments

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Important Notes:

  • Please include your Time Zone when signing up.  This will help us keep track of the actual people/groups who are praying in each time zone on each day.
  • Fr. Cantalamessa’s messages (referred to above) will be sent to you as they become available each month. Weekly updates will also be sent to all who sign up.
  • The on-line sign-up sheet will be updated daily, so you can check it any time to view the dates and times you have signed up for.