Our New Name

The National Service Committee (NSC) and NSC Council members will continue to serve the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the U. S., but now with a different name: Pentecost Today USA

  • Pentecost” conveys baptism in the Holy Spirit and the charisms
  • Today” stresses the urgency of our vision and mission
  • USA” is our mission field

In 2020, the NSC, with input from NSC Council members, discerned the name and logo as the embodiment of the new and dynamic ways the Lord is calling us to continue to raise up, connect and equip Renewal Leaders as we support them in their work to bring baptism in the Holy Spirit to the whole Church, build unity in the body of Christ, and serve the poor.

Why Rename the NSC?

Our new name captures our new vision of stepping into the reality of Pentecost Today across the USA and our mission to further the CHARIS commission. It also clearly distinguishes us from the newly-formed CHARIS National Service of Communion USA, of which we are a key participant.

Logo Meaning

The new logo for Pentecost Today USA has a profound meaning.
Read details about the components and how they work together.


The contour evokes the sense of a shield or coat of arms that represents protection and belonging.


Hidden inside the design is the symbol of a heart which is set ablaze through fire of the Holy Spirit.

Fire & Wind

Seven licks of flame dancing on the wind represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.



This is the instrument of both cleansing and the Holy Spirit’s action in Baptism.


The Dove is in flight, representing the movement of the Holy Spirit through purity and freedom.


Put all together, we see a dynamic and patriotic portrayal of the Holy Spirit setting our hearts ablaze for mission.

Font Meaning

Le Monde Livre Cla Std

Pentecost Today is displayed in Le Monde Livre Cla Std. The term “monde” refers to an orb on top of a ruling monarch’s crown and often topped with a national or religious symbol, such as a cross. The word “livre” means either “book” or “delivers,” depending on application.

Look Script

USA was developed using Look Script.

Avenir Roman

The font for the tagline bring build serve is Avenir Roman.  When used as a verb, “Avenir” means “to come,” and when used as a noun, it means “future” or “to reconcile.”

So, all together, the fonts call us to “Look and see that Jesus, our King, rules – delivering the Kingdom of God now and through the future.”  Pretty cool, right?

Our New Mission

Pentecost Today USA continues the work begun by the National Service Committee in the 1970’s to raise up, connect, and equip Renewal leaders in new and dynamic ways in order to:

  • BRING baptism in the Holy Spirit to the whole Church
  • BUILD unity in the Body of Christ
  • SERVE the Poor

A group of over 50 Renewal leaders from across the U. S. serve as board and council members of Pentecost Today USA.

In 2020, we prayerfully decided to rename and align our organization with the threefold mission of CHARIS to bringbuild, and serve.
Launched at Pentecost in 2019, CHARIS (Catholic Charismatic Renewal International Service) is the new unifying body that operates on international, continental, and national levels to help coordinate and support the life and growth of the Charismatic Renewal within the Church and beyond. Pentecost Today USA supports this mission, and has many current and past members who also assist with roles within CHARIS.
  • Read the details of the CHARIS commission here
  • Learn more about CHARIS and how it serves the Renewal with juridical personality here

Baptism in the holy Spirit to the whole church

We raise up, connect, and equip renewal leaders to bring baptism in the Holy Spirit to the whole Church, igniting the fire of renewal – a new and ongoing Pentecost.


We build unity in the Body of Christ through holy collaboration – among renewal leaders, Church leaders, ecumenical leaders, and young leaders – cultivating the unity Jesus prayed for in
John 17.

Serve the Poor

We embrace the Holy Spirit as the Father of the Poor with Renewal leaders and ministries across the nation, to identify areas of poverty, and invite the Holy Spirit to lead us in building the structure, formation, and communication needed to serve in those areas.