2015 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference in Herndon, VA:

Download 2015 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference CD/DVD Order Form

Order CDs, DVDs, .mp3s online here

2014 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference in Pittsburgh, PA:

Download 2014 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference CD/DVD Order Form

Order CDs, DVDs, .mp3s online here

 2013 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference in Denver, CO:

Download 2013 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference CD/DVD Order Form

Order CDs, DVDs, .mp3s online here

45th Anniversary Conference of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal held in Philadelphia, PA June 1-3, 2012.
General Session talks, Haitian session, Spanish session, Filipino session, NSC session and Youth session Talks. Plus both General Session Masses: Friday night with Bishop John McIntrye and Trinity Sunday with Msgr. Joseph Malagreca.

45th Anniversary Conference CD/DVD Order Form


The following talks were given at one of the following events:

  • 2003 National Leaders’ Conference, Nashville TN
  • 2005 National Leaders’ Conference, Chicago IL
  • 2006 National Leader’s Conference, Albuquerque NM
  • 2008 National Leaders’ Conference, Nashville TN
  • 2009 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference, Raleigh NC
  • 2010 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference, St. Paul MN
  • 2011 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference, Baltimore MD
  • 2012 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference, San Antonio, TX

All the talks are available in either Audiotape (T) or CD format, some are available in Videotape (V) and/or DVD format and are marked accordingly.

Select a subject from the list below
to review available resources in that area.
Afternoon for Priests and Deacons
Charismatic Renewal at the Heart of the Church



Healing and Prayer Room Ministry
Praise and Worship
Practical Tools for Moving Forward
Prayer and Intercession
Prayer Groups
Prophetic Call of the Church to the Charismatic Renewal
Spanish Language
Spirituality of Pentecost
Theological / Historical
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Young Adult Sessions
Homilies/General Session/Witness Talks
Ordering Information


Holy Spirit in the New Evangelization: Part One
12NSC24 (CD),12NSC37(DVD)
Fr. George Montague, SM

Holy Spirit in the New Evangelization: Part Two
12NSC25 (CD) 12NSC37 (DVD)
Jim Murphy

Ministering in the Power of the Spirit
Written by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa read by Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR

Preaching the Gospel with Signs and Wonders
Bishop Sam Jacobs

Renewal in the Church Part One
11NSC21 (T), 11NSC34(V)
Fr. Francis Martin

Renewal in the Church Part Two
11NSC22 (T), 11NSC35 (V)
Fr. Francis Martin


Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Holiness
Charles Whitehead
Insights on the Colloquium on the document, “Baptism in the Holy Spirit”

Conversion: Awakened by the Holy Spirit
Therese Boucher
What does it mean to choose God?  “We must be open to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit who will continue to convert us as we follow Christ.  If our faith is alive, it will be aroused again and again as well mature as disciples.” (Go and Make Disciples)  This workshop will consider 1) Charismatic tools for fostering conversion, 2) Conversion as a moment and as a process led by the Spirit, 3) Fostering personal and communal conversion, and 4) Four types of conversion, steps in the waltz of faith.

The Culture of Pentecost 
D  or V      05NSC1 / T or  CD  05NSC4
Bishop Sam Jacobs   
Bishop Sam Jacobs’ powerful and challenging Keynote in Chicago 2005.

Ecclesial Maturity
Mark Nimo
On the eve of Pentecost 1998 Pope John Paul II called the Charismatic Renewal and all movements to “ecclesial maturity.”  What has that meant for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal?  This workshop will address a number of issues including the Renewal’s identity as a movement, but also as more than a movement, and its relationship to other movements.

Ecclesial Maturity
Renee Marazon
On the eve of Pentecost 1998 Pope John Paul II called the Charismatic Renewal and all movements to “ecclesial maturity.”  Ten years later, what has that meant for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal?  How can leaders foster ecclesial maturity in the groups they lead?  This workshop will address a number of issues including the Renewal’s identity as a movement, but also as more than a movement, and its relationship to other movements.

Fanning the Flame: 15 Years Later
Fr. George Montague
In 1990 a small group of theologians and pastoral leaders gathered in the Heart of the Church Consultation to reflect on Christian Initiation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit: Evidence from the First Eight Centuries and produced Fanning the Flame: What Does Baptism in the Holy Spirit Have to Do with Christian Initiation?  Has the research stood the test of time?  What has been the scholarly reaction?  What issues not addressed in Fanning the Flame should be included in any revision?  What does the Charismatic Renewal offer the Church in the present moment?

Formed By the Word of God
Al Mansfield
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal has been strong on leading people to a personal or deeper personal relationship to Jesus as Lord and the release of the Holy Spirit called “baptism in the Holy Spirit.”  The Renewal has been less successful in providing consistent and solid formation in charismatic prayer, the spiritual life in general and other areas.  What are the elements needed and how can groups go forward?

Full Role of the Holy Spirit: A Vision for Receiving all that the Spirit has to Give
Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD
The National Service Committee is “encouraging the awareness and the experience of the full role of the Holy Spirit among Catholic Charismatic Renewal groups and ministries, with the goal of reminding the Church to be fully conscious of this role.” (Mission Statement 1/09). There are four aspects: experiencing union with God; inner transformation, leading to personal holiness; ministry empowered by the charisms or evangelization and service; and building communities that witness to a renewed Catholic life.

Holiness in Mission
GNI Media
Fr. Richard Loch
“The time has come to re-propose wholeheartedly to everyone this high standard of ordinary Christian living.” (Pope John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, 31). We stumble because we only think of holiness as a task and not primarily as a gift. What is holiness? What can the saints who have gone before us teach us about the path of holiness? How does our baptism in the Holy Spirit help us on our path to holiness?  How does holiness relate to fruitfulness in mission?

Living “Baptized in the Holy Spirit”
12NSC8 (CD) 12NSC38 (DVD)
Deacon Darrell Wentworth
Baptism in the Holy Spirit is meant to lead to living baptized in the Holy Spirit.  To live by grace – “it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith, not by anything of your own, but by a gift from God.”  (Eph 2:8) – is to live the dynamic life of Christ in us by the Holy Spirit.  “Grace is a participation in the life of God . . . Grace is first and foremost the gift of the Spirit who justifies us and sanctifies us.”  (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1997, 2003)  Insights from the ICCRS document Baptism in the Holy Spirit will be given.

Liturgical and Pastoral Life
Bishop Sam Jacobs
“As experienced in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal baptism in the Holy Spirit. .. is a grace experience which touches every dimension of the Church’s life. .. “(Grace for the New Springtime)  In what ways has the Charismatic Renewal touched the liturgical and pastoral life of the Church?  What are some of the current liturgical and pastoral challenges for the Charismatic Renewal in the present moment?

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Charisms: Nuclear Energy of the Church
Walter Matthews and Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer
Charisms have been described as the nuclear energy of the Church by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa. What is the nature of charisms? How can charisms be best understood? An introductory review for the newcomer and an essential review for the veteran.

Do We Really Need Charisms?
Sr. Nancy Kellar, S.C.
This workshop will review the consensus understanding of charisms in the Charismatic Renewal in light of Church teaching.  What is a charism as opposed to a talent or learned skill?  What makes the charism of healing and the charism of helping or administration charisms?

The Gifts of Prophecy and Word of Knowledge
Linda Schubert
What are these gifts and how do they function in personal and communal prayer?  How might the gifts of prophecy and word of knowledge be yielded to in non-charismatic settings, e.g. parish council meetings?  The workshop will offer an exercise in yielding to these gifts.

How Do I Know What Charisms I Have?
Sr. Nancy Kellar, S.C.
How might an individual go about identifying his or her charism(s)?  How might leaders help individuals identify their charisms?  (Some review of programs such as The Catholic Gifts Inventory.)

Listening and Discernment

GNI Media

Arlene Apone

“There is no doubt that this primacy of holiness and prayer is inconceivable without a renewed listening to the word of God… a life-giving encounter.” (NMI, 39) This workshop will explore how (prayer) groups can grow in their listening to the word of God as a group.It will explore group or communal discernment so that groups can be more effective in being “doers of the word” (James 1:22)

Mercy and Related Charisms

GNI Media

Judith Hughes

Mercy is the charism that empowers one to be a channel of God’s love through practical acts to those who suffer.  It is often experienced in quiet, less visible ways than, for example, the charism of healing.  It is more about deeds. St. Paul instructs us that “Whoever shows mercy to others should do it cheerfully.” (Rm 12:8)

Pastoring Word Gifts


Chuck Hornsby

St. Paul told the Corinthians that “the gift of prophecy should be subject to the prophets because God does not want us to be in disorder but in harmony and peace.” (1Cor 14:32-33) After forty years of experience in a variety of settings: prayer meetings, retreats, and conferences what are some practical guidelines for the exercise and discernment of “word gifts”, including but not limited to prophecy, exhortation, and words of knowledge and wisdom. What is the role of the pastoral leaders and the group as a whole?


Praying to Release Charisms in Others
Aggie Neck
How might a group or an individual pray with others to release charisms?  Since yielding to praying in tongues is not a requirement for yielding to charisms, what role might it play for the pray-ers, as well as for the one being prayed with?

Stirring Up and Discerning Spiritual Gifts
Dave Mangan
How might a group or an individual pray with others to release charisms? Since yielding to praying in tongues is not a requirement for yielding to charisms, what role might it play for the pray-ers, as well as for the one being prayed with?

Tools for Identifying Charisms
Virginia King
This workshop will introduce participants to tools that can be used to help Renewal participants identify their charisms.  These include effectiveness, personal experience and feelings, and affirmation/confirmation from others.  A brief introduction to material from the Catherine of Siena Institute will be given.

Understanding and Fostering Prophecy
05NSC27 also 06NSC7
Chuck Hornsby
The nature of prophecy as experienced in the Charismatic Renewal will be explored, including its relationship to private revelation (see Catechism #67).  Listening for and delivering prophecy will be discussed.  Discerning prophecy as a body will also be covered.

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“I have been crucified with Christ.” (Gal.2:19): Called to Conversion/Holiness


Tom Curran

Holiness is both gift and task.  Pope John Paul II exhorted, “the time has come to re-propose wholeheartedly to everyone this high standard of ordinary Christian living.” (NMI31).  He has called for a “genuine ‘training in holiness.’ ” What insights from St. Paul about conversion and holiness will help leaders grow and how can they help those in their care to grow in conversion and holiness?

Chosen and Appointed to Bear Fruit


Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSND

“It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain” (John 15:16). Bearing much fruit hinges on remaining in Jesus. “Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Bearing good fruit doesn’t’t just happen. We are chosen, baptized into the Vine who is Jesus, and appointed to bear fruit. How does bearing the good fruit of the Spirit complement (or complete) our exercising of the gifts and charisms of the Spirit?“

Crossing the Threshold to Grace: Life-Giving Repentance
12NSC6 (CD)
Jim Archer
The Grace of God that has been so richly lavished on us through Christ Jesus our Lord, that which has both saved us and has been made available as a place where we can be transformed, longs for our returning.  We enter into that Grace by turning away from all that is not of God and turning toward His heart! It is this life-giving repentance that is the threshold to Grace! It is the “Refiners Fire” that causes us to cry out, “I want to be Holy, set apart for you my Master, ready to do your will.” (Pope Benedict XVI, Porta Fidei 3) – the call to holiness, “the summons to an authentic and renewed conversion to the Lord, the one Saviour of the world” is what the Year of Faith and, indeed, what living the Christian life in the power of the Holy Spirit is all Archer

Freedom and Transformation through the Cross and the Spirit
11NSC17 (T), 11NSC30 (V)
Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD
Holiness is both a gift and a task. This workshop will focus on the task of holiness; the ascetical practice of holiness. Asceticism, as a way of cooperating with the Spirit, involves being discipled and disciplined; overcoming temptations and fears; dying to oneself and crucifying the flesh; putting off vices (compulsive sins) and putting on the mind of Christ and the virtues of Christ.

The Fulfillment of All Desire: Lessons From the Saints
11NSC9 (T), 11NSC28 (V)
Ralph Martin
Practical wisdom from the saints on how we can accept the gift of holiness

A Prayer Life That Leads to Growth in Holiness
11NSC10 (T), 11NSC32 (V)
Deacon Michael Cullen
Michelangelo, when once asked how he could sculpt such wonderful works said that he chips away until the beauty within is seen. Such is the life of prayer that leads to our growth in holiness. “This training in holiness calls for a Christian life distinguished above all in the art of prayer…we have to learn to pray as it were learning this art ever anew from the lips of the Divine Master himself.” (Pope John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte 32)

Sons and Daughters, Chosen & Beloved
Jim Archer
The more we become aware of and experience the Presence of the Lord in our lives we begin to realize we are standing on Holy Ground, “For the Lord is Present and where He is, is Holy”. Suddenly everything changes within us and the core of our being is touched. We are not only aware that we are in the presence of the creator of the universe but we become aware we are called into His presence. We are chosen and beloved, sons and daughters of the Father who calls us and empowers us to be Holy!

The Word of God and Holiness
11NSC8 (T), 11NSC33 (V)
J. D. McGurn
St. Paul instructed Timothy that “All scripture is inspired by God and useful for …teaching them to be uprighted (holy).” (2 Tim 3:16) Pope John Paul II wrote in Novo Millennio Ineunte, “There is no doubt that this primacy of holiness and prayer is inconceivable without a renewed listening to the word of God.”  Pope Benedict XVI in his recent exhortation Verbum Domini (The Word of the Lord) encouraged, “the laity need to be trained to discern God’s will through a familiarity with his word, read and studied in the Church under the guidance of her legitimate pastors.” (84) The Workshop will focus on the important link between reading, studying and praying with the Word of God, and holiness in life.


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Peter Herbeck The Keynote talk from the 2006 National Leaders’ Conference.

Becoming and Everyday Evangelized New Evangelizer
12NSC12 (CD) 12NSC32 (DVD)
Martha Fernandez-Sardina
Confessing with the lips indicates in turn that faith implies public testimony and commitment.”  (Porta Fidei, 10)  “You will receive the power of the Holy Spirit . . . and then you will be my witnesses.”  (Acts 1:8)  We are called to be witnesses in our everyday lives as well as by giving testimony, telling our story to others about who we were before the Lord touched (saved, renewed) us, what the Lord Holy Spirit did and how we are living that out TODAY.  Everyone should know how to give a brief verbal witness and prayer groups need to encourage sharing of one’s witness and testimonies with an eye to reaching out to those in need.   This Workshop will teach how to prepare and give your witness as well as some help to prayer group leaders as to how to help their prayer groups become evangelistic opportunities.

Boldness in Evangelization
Caroline Gambale
Do you want to be part of the army God is raising up to proclaim the Gospel? The Spirit given to us is no cowardly Spirit, but the Spirit fills us with boldness for the work of evangelization (see 2 Tim 1:7).  “We must revive in ourselves the burning conviction of Paul, who cried out: ‘Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.’ (1 Cor 9:16).” (NMI 40).  How do we become “bold?” Stories from real life experiences and prayer for boldness for evangelization will be offered. If you need more fire and passion in your ministry, this is the workshop for you!

Boldness in Evangelizing
Aimee Mangan
Do you want to be part of the army God is raising up to proclaim the Gospel? The Spirit given to us is no cowardly Spirit, but the Spirit fills us with boldness for the work of evangelization (see 2 Tim 1:7).  “We must revive in ourselves the burning conviction of Paul, who cried out: ‘Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel.’ (1 Cor 9:16).” (NMI 40).  How do we become “bold?” Stories from real life experiences and prayer for boldness for evangelization will be offered. If you need more fire and passion in your ministry, this is the workshop for you!

Bringing Charisms Into Family and Parish Ministry
John and Therese Boucher
Gain a new appreciation for practical ways to share the life-giving message of Jesus through the charisms the Holy Spirit has given you. Explore the ways that saints and ordinary people can witness and evangelize through parish ministries, in prayer groups, and on a one-to-one basis in everyday family life. This workshop will include time to practice mini-witnessing, praying with others and exercises designed to help people discover the gifts and charisms they have for sharing Jesus with others.

Charisms:Empowerment for Proclamation
12NSC14 (CD) 12NSC36 (DVD)
Jim Murphy
Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa once wrote that charisms are the nuclear energy of the Church inside each believer.  Charisms “whether extraordinary or simple and humble . . . are graces of the Holy Spirit which directly or indirectly benefit the Church, ordered as they are to her building up, to the good of man and to the needs of the world.” (CCC 799)  They are the “signs” that accompany believers.  (Mk 16:17f)  Without such signs the proclamation of the Gospel is often weak and ineffective. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, therefore he has anointed me.  He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the power, to proclaim liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and release to prisoners, to announce a year of favor on the Lord.” (Lk 4:18-19, Is 61:1-2)

Evangelizing Families in the Power of the Holy Spirit

10 NSC11

Caroline Gambale-Dirkes

Can you imagine seeing the hundreds of new faces of all ages at your next Life in the Spirit Seminar or Diocesan Charismatic Conference?  In Familiaris Consortio, John Paul II states: “It is in fact to the families in our times that the Church must bring the unchangeable and ever new gospel of Jesus Christ.”  This workshop will highlight the critical need to reach out to young families, equip you with practical ideas and resources to attract young families to your events, offer dynamic and fun catechetical tools and transformational experiences that will engage a multigenerational audience, and learn ways to empower families to be evangelizers in their communities.


Giving Effective Gospel Witness

GNI Media

Brent Heiser

We are called to be a witness by our lives and to give witness by testimony. “Faith is both caught and taught”

What are the elements of a living witness and an effective verbal witness/proclamation?

Helping Others Become Holy Evangelizing Disciples of Jesus
Dave Nodar
The Church teaches that there are two universal callings: holiness and evangelization. This is our personal calling and mission. Those of us who have been baptized in the Spirit have been given power to be witnesses in lifestyles (holiness) and word (evangelization). The times we are living in are difficult and many people are looking for answers to their questions about life. The Spirit of God wants to help us lead others into a lifestyle of being holy evangelizing disciples.

Live Out the New Evangelization: Insights From the Synod
12NSC13 (CD)
Bob Valiante
What is the “new evangelization” and how are we called to live it out?  Insights from the recently completed Synod of Bishops on the theme “The New Evangelization for the Transmission of Christian Faith” and its preparatory material will be shared.  “According to Pope John  Paul II, the ‘new evangelization’ means to remake the Christian fabric of human society and the fabric of Christian communities themselves and to assist the Church to continue to be present ‘in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters’ so as to animate their lives and guide them to the Kingdom to come.”


Making Initiation Seminars More Effective
Caroline Gambale, Ros Hernandez, Judith Hughes, and Virginia King
Explore the vision and keys that make various Initiation Seminars more effective as we work to awaken people to baptism in the Holy Spirit: conversion, faith sharing, witnessing, evangelization, fostering charisms, spiritual formation and teaching are all vital tools. Four models will be presented.

Move It Out 
V       03NSC1
Fr. Tom Forest
Fr. Tom Forest’s dynamic Keynote challenge to Renewal leaders in Nashville 2003 to move it out: to use the gifts given for the spread of the Gospel!

Multi-generational Life int he Spirit Seminars
12NSC7 (CD) and 12NSC33 (DVD)
Jim Archer, Johnny Bertucci, Sandi LeBel
Can you imagine seeing hundreds of new faces of all ages at your next Life in the Spirit Seminar?  In Familiaris Consortio, John Paul II states: “It is in fact to the families in our times that the Church must bring the unchangeable and ever new gospel of Jesus Christ.” This workshop will highlight the critical need to reach out to all ages, equip you with practical ideas and resources to attract young families to your events, offer dynamic and fun catechetical tools and transformational experiences that will engage a multigenerational audience, and learn ways to empower families to be evangelizers in their communities.

No time for assimilation, no time for separation (saving parishes)

GNI Media

David Thorp

The Renewal has sought to impact not only the lives of individuals but also the corporate life of parishes in which we find ourselves planted.  What vision of renewed parish life serves the dual calls to the Renewal: to authentic communion and to be prophetic? What attitudes are essential to working in parishes fruitfully?  How can individuals and prayer groups more effectively serve parishes to which they belong?

Opening Scripture for Proclamation

GNI Media

Mark Nimo

“ This workshop will explore the importance of Scripture for witness, for exhortation and for preaching: in prayer meetings and other evangelistic settings. “Christ’s word in all its richness must live in your hearts.” (Col 3:16) and on our lips!


Paul’s Success in Sharing the Good News: Practical Help for Evangelization


Fr. Peter Sanders, ORAT

On fire for the Lord Jesus Christ, after his baptism Paul ‘began at once to proclaim Jesus in the synagogues’ (Acts 9:20). Yet the rest of his life would be spent in missions principally to the Gentiles, in obedience to the Spirit’s guidance. The many twists and turns of the Apostle’s life and ministry can disclose to the contemporary Christian the secrets of success in evangelization. Paul relied on the ‘demonstration of the Spirit and power’ to engender faith (1Cor 2:4). Together, let’s explore how he did that!

Proclamation of the Good News
Marilynn Kramar This stirring proclamation of the Good News led to a powerful ministry time and release of the Holy Spirit, Saturday evening at the 2006 National Leaders’ Conference.

The New Evangelization
Fr. Tom Forrest A challenging talk as we were sent forth from the 2006 National Leaders’ Conference.

Witnessing to Holiness in Today’s World
Jane Barz
“Just as he who calls you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written, ‘Be holy as I am holy’ ” (1 Pt 1:15-16) Often the places we work and the world we live in seem hostile to the life in Christ we strive to live and witness to. Whatever our work and wherever we are: we are called to witness to the gospel in all we think, say and do. This workshop will look at four attitudes that must shape our service to God and enable us to be effective as a witness to the holiness to which we are called.

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Avoiding False Spiritualities on our Journey toward Holiness
11NSC15 (T) 11NSC31 (V)
Chuck Hornsby
This workshop examines the truth of Jesus Christ and contrasts it with some of the false spiritualties that are weal imitations and counterfeits of the power and ministry of the Holy Spirit

The Basics of Inner Healing Prayer
Dr. Michele Greischar
Whether offered in a one-on-one situation or by a small team, what are the basics of inner healing prayer that most inner healing practitioners would acknowledge?  What gifts/charisms are helpful in praying for inner healing for others?  Are there steps or a process in inner healing prayer?  How do team members or individuals work together using their gifts in the healing prayer?

Charismatic Prayer Ministry


Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer, SSD

What is charismatic prayer ministry?  What transpires in such ministry?  Who can pray for others in such ministry?  How should someone approach receiving such ministry?  Based on the NSC Leaflet “Charismatic Prayer Ministry.”

The Charism of Healing and Prayer for Healing

10NSC 9

Bob Canton

All of us are called to reach out and offer prayer for healing when made aware of sickness or illness (may I pray with you?), but some have received and exercise the charism of healing, “so as to make manifest the power of the grace of the risen Lord.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1508). This workshop will address some of the issues in praying for healing for those who already pray for healing with others.


Discernment and the Use of Charisms in Healing Prayer
Arlene Apone
An essential gift for those who pray with/for others is discernment.  What are the basics of discernment and how does it vary from and complement A discernment of spirits?  How can visions (images, pictures), words (prophetic, scripture, wisdom), etc., help in the prayer for others?

Ministry to Separated and Divorced


Marianne Skrobiak

The Renewal is not immune to the reality of fragmented marriages and families in our society and Church.  How can leaders in the Renewal reach out to minister to those who are separated and divorced?  How can prayer groups be welcoming places where healing can occur?

Healing and Freedom from Evil
Sr. Mary Anne Schaenzer
“Deliver us, Lord, from evil and grant us peace in our day.”  This prayer from the Church’s Liturgy indicates the necessity for deliverance from evil for peace in our everyday lives.  We will explore the basic tools given to us by the Church to live in freedom from evil including the role of prayer for deliverance in living such freedom.

Organizing, Recruiting, Training for Prayer Room Ministry
Arlene Apone
Whether in prayer groups or at conferences, Prayer Room Ministry is an important service.  This workshop will discuss the essential elements of organizing, recruiting and training prayer room ministries, including the limitations of such ministry.

Obstacles in Praying for Healing
Josephine Cachia
Only say the word and I shall be healed! However, often healing in spite of our prayer and faith does not occur; why? What are some of the obstacles in praying for our healing and in praying for others?

Opportunities for Prayer for Healing in a Prayer Group Context
Deacon Bill Brennan
What opportunities exist for prayer for healing in a prayer group context? Some of the possibilities include a dedicated time and space for “Prayer Room Ministry,” a general prayer for healing in the context of the prayer meeting, specific prayer for someone when a need is revealed and the Spirit prompts an immediate response. These and other possibilities will be explored in this Workshop.

Overcoming Evil Spirits
Peter Herbeck
Nearly everyone who has regularly prayed for others, preached the Gospel in power or ministered in a variety of ministry services has encountered evil spirits. What wisdom is there from the Church’s two thousand years and from the Catholic Charismatic Renewal about overcoming evil spirits?

Overview of “Guidelines on Prayers for Healing”


Michelle Moran

Published by ICCRS in 2007 the Guidelines resulted from an International Colloquium on Prayers for Healing in 2001 and are based on the Vatican document “Instruction on Prayers for Healing.” “Drawing on the fruits of the Colloquium, these present guidelines are offered by the ICCRS Doctrinal Commission as on aid to applying the Church’s theological and pastoral guidance, both to those involved in the ministry of prayers for healing and to those responsible for pastoral oversight.”

Praying for Healing in Family Life
Dr. Michele Greischar
What are simple ways in which prayer for healing be practiced in family situations?  What are the do=s and don=ts of such prayer?  How do we create a healing environment in the family?  How can we teach prayers of healing and protection as a normal part of family life?  How does a basic understanding of intergenerational healing affect family life and prayer?

SonBlock: How Christians Unknowingly Block God’s Grace
Dr. Carol Razza
In an effort to protect ourselves from hurt, we all unknowingly block ourselves off from God’s grace . . . and from each other.  This workshop will help participants to identify what might be blocking them from the fullness of grace and will encourage the spiritual abundance that comes with living joyously in the SonLight.

Unbound: Keys to Freedom & Holiness Through Deliverance
11NSC16 (T) 11NSC29 (V)
Neal Lozano
It is the passion of the Lord to set us free so that we can enter into the holiness he has won for us. As we are set free from fear and bondage to the lies of the enemy we are released from hindrances to holiness. The speaker demonstrates this by using stories from his own life and those to whom he has ministered.

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Achieving Unity in the Body of Christ


Fr. Peter Sanders, ORAT

The prayer of Jesus, “that they may all be one, as you Father are in me and I in you” (Jn 17:21) is a call from the heart of God to actively seek unity. This workshop will explore the obstacles St. Paul faced in achieving unity in the Churches he founded. Occasioned by these problems, his ways of thinking and talking about unity permanently changed Christianity. You will come away from this session with fresh new ways of being God’s instrument for bringing about that for which Christ prayed.

Faithful to the End:  Running the Super Marathon 
Deacon Gary Moore
Those called to leadership are called to faithfulness.  Their service may change, but the call to faithfulness does not.  The call is to run the race to win the crown (2 Tm 2:5, Phi 3:12-14), to hear the words, “well done, good and faithful servant.”  What are leaders who have served faithfully for years called to be and do?  What are the issues facing those in their 60s and 70s?

Holy and Skilled: Qualities of Fruitful and Effective Leadership   
V       03NSC4
Jim Murphy
All leaders desire to serve others in a way that is both godly and skilled.  In this workshop, we identify key abilities of outstanding leaders and discuss ways to develop these in ourselves and in others, including discerning vision, fostering commitment in others, and raising up leaders

Pastoral Planning/Visioning


Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD

What does pastoral planning mean for charismatic, led by the Spirit, prayer groups and ministries?  What are some basics that every group should know and do?  How do groups raise up and train new leaders?  What should veteran leaders be looking for in those they want to encourage to become leaders?


Raising Up and Training Leaders
Jim Beckman
Where are the new Timothies?  This workshop will discuss identifying, raising up and training leaders.  What should veteran leaders be looking for in those they want to encourage to become leaders?  What insights can youth ministry work bring to bear on this topic?

Relating to Other Leaders
Josephine Cachia
Within the “communion” of the Church and the Renewal leaders are called to relate well to other leaders.  This workshop will examine some of the necessary components to “relating well to other leaders” as well as some of the obstacles.  “Submit yourselves to one another because of your reverence for Christ.” (Eph 5:21).

What Kind of Leader are You?  Leadership Skills and Leadership Styles
V       03NSC5
Jim Murphy
Many leaders are frustrated or frustrate others because they are not aware of the strengths and limitations of their leadership style.  We examine three basic leadership styles and identify skills that each type of leader should develop in relationship to key leadership issues, including developing initiatives and resolving conflict.

What makes a leader/new leader?

GNI Media

Chuck Hornsby

Leaders are those who have vision (sense of purpose and direction) and the ability to call or direct efforts of a group as they work together. Leaders in the Renewal also need to be men and women of prayer, holiness, commitment, zeal and humility. How do we identify the emerging leaders in our midst and call them forth?

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Authentic Worship for the Next Generation

08NSC21 and 08NSC31 (DVD)

Dan Dirkes

If we are to reach the next generation we must adapt our music and prayer meetings to them.  This workshop will address: How to lead worship that engages both the old and the young.  Learn practical methods and songs that will help lead your prayer group to a deeper worship experience.

Communal Praise and Worship
Josephine Cachia and Fr. Richard Loch  
This workshop will review key elements of communal praise and worship, and how these elements can be expressed in prayer meetings and in a charismatic liturgies.  Understanding the relation between the communal praise and worship in prayer meetings and a charismatic liturgies to the communal praise and worship expressed in the Church’s liturgy (see e.g., CCC 2637, 2643).

“His praise shall be ever in my mouth.” (Ps. 34:2) Praise as a Way of Life

08NSC19 and 08NSC30 (DVD)

Aggie Neck

Praise is a natural part of life-it is the language of Heaven- it is a spiritual weapon to overcome the foe. Praise is like a garment we wear. (Is. 61:3) Three import things happen when we praise God:

  • God receives Glory
  • Our faith is increased and we are energized by the joy of the Lord that accompanies praise.
  • The enemy is terrified and his plans are confounded.

Hope for Prayer Meetings Without Musicians

08NSC20 and 08NSC30 (DVD)

Gerry Mader and Jackie Morgan

So many prayer groups today are without any musicians let alone a music ministry.  How can such groups have a time of sustained praise?  What can leaders do to lead such groups?  How do you release the gifts that will enable the group to go deeper in the Lord’s praise.

Foundations in Scripture and Church Teaching
Aggie Neck
We bring the sacrifice of praise” is both a Biblical exhortation and a Church teaching.  What is praise (and thanksgiving) in the Old and New Testaments?  What are some insights from the Saints (e.g., jubilation in St. Augustine and St. Francis).  Why is the Mass the“sacrifice of praise”. (CCC 2643).

Fundamentals of Praise and Worship
05NSC38 also 06NSC18
Scott Kaldahl
Why do we praise?  What does praise and worship mean according to the Scriptures?  What are the Biblical foundations of praise and worship?  We will look at some of these foundations as well as some of the different forms of praise and worship as outlined in the Scriptures.

Leading Praise and Worship 
05NSC40 also 06NSC20
Fr. John Gordon
What is the role of the prayer leader in a prayer meeting or at a conference?  We will explore how to work with a music ministry, respond to word gifts and teaching.

Leading Praise and Worship with Whatever the Lord Provides
05NSC39 also 06NSC19
Bill Richart
Guitarist?  Keyboardist?  Tapes?  A’cappella?  Kazoo?  Whatever you have, praise the Lord with your whole heart!  This workshop will show you how to help your group release the gifts and come to a deeper place in the Lord’s Presence through worship.  Session will include a sustained time of praise.

A New Day is Dawning 
Judith Hughes
“Praise is the form of prayer which recognizes most immediately that God is God.”  (CCC 2639).  What are the elements of praise and worship and how can these be incorporated into one’s personal prayer?

Praise and Worship: Beyond the Music


Tammie Stevens

The Psalmist declares “clap your hands for joy, all peoples! Praise God with loud songs!” (Ps. 47:1) “Praise is the form of prayer which recognizes most immediately that God is God. It lauds God for his own sake and gives him glory, quite beyond what he does, but simply because HE IS.” (CCC, 2639). Praise and worship is more than a genre of music or something we “do” at a prayer meeting, it really is a way to live our faith.  This workshop will explore how we can grow in praise and worship in our daily lives and how a life of praise leads to a deeper experience of worship both in our prayer meetings and our Sunday Eucharists.


Releasing Greater Praise and Worship
Josephine Cachia and Fr. Richard Loch
This workshop will be a practicum of releasing greater praise and worship in groups, and offer suggestions on how to help prayer groups, etc., grow in this area.

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Afterglow of the Eucharist/The Simple Blessing Prayer
Renée Marazon
This workshop will introduce participants to The Simple Blessing Prayer and the Afterglow of the Eucharist prayer ministry for parishes. Guidelines will be given on how to propose the Afterglow Ministry to Pastors and others in the parish who are involved in worship and prayer ministries.

Afterglow of the Eucharist
Roy Handy
This workshop will introduce participants to The Simple Blessing Prayer and the Afterglow of the Eucharist prayer ministry for parishes. Guidelines will be given on how to propose the Afterglow Ministry to Pastors and others in the parish who are involved in worship and prayer ministries.

Charismatic Ministry to Marriages, Families and Religious
Renée Marazon
This workshop will explore ways the Ministry to Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Toledo teaches parish members (adults and children of all ages) to expect God’s daily intervention in their lives, pray with one another through life’s hurts, and listen for god’s voice and direction for their lives through preaching, teaching, prayers, and practice that release the gifts and charisms of the Holy Spirit.

Life in the Spirit and Confirmation: San Antonio Model 
Ros Hernandez
Based on years of experience, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the Archdiocese of San Antonio has developed a very successful model of preparing Confirmation students by leading them in a one day Life in the Spirit Seminar.  Using The New Life in the Spirit Seminars Team Manual: Catholic Edition 2000 and integrating skits and youth-oriented stories and music, thousands have been turned on to Jesus, baptized in the Holy Spirit and prepared for the sacramental grace of Confirmation.

Multigenerational Catholic Evangelization Through Worship
05NSC37 also 06NSC11
Paul George
Birthed in the waters of Charismatic Renewal and LIFETEEN, Adore is a new outreach in the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux under Bishop Sam Jacobs.  Using the tool of anointed worship, families are evangelized and transformed.

On the Road Again for the Lord: Catholic Charismatic Renewal Masses & Healing Services
Renee Marazon
This workshop will introduce participants to a “Traveling Healing Team” ministry including guidelines for introducing parishes (with and without prayer groups) to Catholic Charismatic Renewal Masses and Healing Services.  It will provide participants with guidelines for Pre-Mass preparations; forming prayer teams; modeling The Simple Blessing Prayer; introducing and exhorting charismatic praise, worship and the gifts of the Holy Spirit; inviting all present to listen for and discern God’s prophetic word; arranging the Healing Service at the close of the Mass, offering “old-time charismatics prayer” for”refreshment and renewal in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”  This “On the Road Again for the Lord” ministry is in its fifth year.

Successful Life in the Spirit Seminars
Therese Boucher
Explore the vision behind the Seminars as we awaken people to baptism in the Holy Spirit.  Take a second look at our sacramental charismatic heritage by entering into an interactive dialogue about conversion, faith sharing, witnessing, evangelization, fostering charisms, spiritual formation and teaching that are vital tools for a life in the Spirit

Witnessing to the Power of God
Linda Schubert
An introduction to a workshop (two-evening or all day) that combines preparing ten-minute witnesses of conversion and videotaping of same.  Used as a means of personal renewal and group revitalization.

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Charismatic Prayer: Access in the Spirit to the Risen Christ


Fr. Larry Carew

In their very first encounter with the Risen Christ, the earliest disciples came into the joy of re-experiencing the loving presence of their dearest friend. They simultaneously found themselves freed from deep fears and guilts, even as they were healed of massive wounds of disillusionment and despair. Would Our Risen Savior be unwilling to offer us anything less?

Charismatic Prayer and Liturgical Prayer


Renee Marazon

This workshop will explore the similarities, contrasts and common ground between charismatic prayer and liturgical prayer.  What aspects of charismatic prayer are appropriate in a liturgical setting?  What does the structure and dignity of liturgical prayer speak to free flowing charismatic prayer?

God does speak to His people

GNI Media

Aggie Neck

The charism of teaching is listed among those charisms St. Paul says are given “to prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service, in order to build up the body of Christ.” (see Eph 4:11-12). Some of the related charisms include encouragement, words of wisdom and knowledge, leadership, and pastoring.

Cultivating the Ministry of Intercession


Virginia King

“Intercession is a prayer of petition which leads us to pray as Jesus did.” (CCC, 2634). If we are to “move mountains” and “build a culture of Pentecost” we must cultivate the hard work of intercession in our personal prayer and in our parishes, prayer groups and communities. This workshop will explore a variety of approaches to increasing the commitment to persevering in prayer for the Church and for the world. This is foundational for any and all other ministry that we undertake.


How to Start a Burning Bush Initiative in Your Own Backyard
Fr. Scott Ardinger and Virginia King
On the eve Pentecost 2004 Pope John Paul II encouraged “the initiative known as ‘Burning Bush’ . . . [which] involves perpetual adoration, day and night, before the Blessed Sacrament; it is an invitation to the faithful to ‘return to the Upper Room,’ so that united in contemplation of the Eucharist Mystery, they may intercede for full Christian unity and for the conversion of sinners.  I warmly hope that this initiate will lead many to rediscover the gifts of the Spirit, whose original source is Pentecost.”  Learn how one diocese began a Burning Bush House of Prayer and some of the keys to forming intercessors.

Making Your Intercession Bear Much Fruit
Fr. John Paul Joyce
A workshop that gives a vision for intercessory prayer as well as practical components of intercession.

Partnership 4 China: Opportunity for Intercontinental Breakthrough
Fr. Tom Forrest
What is the Partnership 4 China? How can we support the initiatives of evangelization etc. in China related to the upcoming Olympics? How can we intercede more effectively as individuals and as groups?

School of Charismatic Prayer: A Springboard into the New Evangelization


Fr. Larry Carew

Both the late Pope John Paul II and his successor, Pope Benedict XVI have challenged Christian communities to reach out with schools of prayer to a world often tempted to search for spirituality in wrong places. How the Charismatic Renewal has a unique contribution to make here.

Sowing in Tears to Reap Rejoicing: Intercession and Evangelization
Marilyn Quirk
In the power of the Holy Spirit, growing deeper in the work of intercession for anointed, fruitful and effective evangelization.

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Empowering the Saints to Lead
Gerry Mader and Sr. Martha Jean McGarry
What does a fruitful and effective leader look like? What are some of the tools available to charismatic leaders – seasoned and novice -, core teams and others to build and strengthen local prayer groups? What makes for an effective pastoral team? Prayer meeting leaders and Pastoral leaders are not the same.

Evangelizing Prayer Groups
V       03NSC66
Therese Boucher
Explore structures for vital prayer meetings where charisms, Scripture, faith-sharing and prayer become tools for reaching out to family,  co-workers, and neighbors in daily life.  Foster prayer groups that tap into the gospel and allow the Spirit to transform the world.  Build prayer groups that offer ongoing invitations to embrace Jesus and the Church.

How Do You Hear the Lord?
Dave Mangan
Leaders in the Old and New Testament listened to hear God speak before they acted. How are we listening to hear God’s word to us? Jesus said, “The sheep follow because they know his voice.” (Jn 10:4) We long to hear the voice of the Lord and to follow Him. How can a prayer group hear from God with some certainty?

Men of the Spirit

GNI Media

Chuck Hornsby

This Workshop is for men looking to grow in their relationship with the Lord and with one another as men of the Spirit. Is manly prayer, spiritual warfare and mission part of the call you have received as a man of the Spirit?  Are brotherhood and accountability part of your walk?

Pastoral Planning/Visionary


Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD

What does pastoral planning mean for charismatic, led by the Spirit, prayer groups and ministries?  What are some basics that every group should know and do?  How do groups raise up and train new leaders?  What should veteran leaders be looking for in those they want to encourage to become leaders?

Pastoral Planning (Vision/Mission)

GNI Media

Fr. Bob Hogan

“Where there is no vision the people perish.”(Prov 29:18). How can groups prayerfully discern the Lord’s vision for them? How can the recently adopted Vision and Mission Statements of the NSC provide guidance in the process? What are the elements of mission for prayer groups today?

Prayer Groups as Schools of Holiness
Gerry Mader
“Our Christian communities must become genuine ‘schools’ of prayer, where the meeting with Christ is expressed not just in imploring help but also in thanksgiving, praise, adoration, contemplation, listening and ardent devotion, until the heart truly ‘falls in love’….But we well know that prayer cannot be taken for granted.  We have to learn to pray.” (Novo Millennio Ineunte 34, 32). This workshop will explore what role strong prayer groups have to play in the growth of its members in holiness.

Stir the Vision into Flame!
Deacon Bill Brennan
One of the greatest needs in the renewal today is a sense of vision — God’s vision of and for the renewal — burning in our hearts. But to stir this vision into flame we first have to catch it. This workshop will focus on catching the vision that is readily available to us in the Scriptures and in the teaching of the Church. It will include how to share this vision with others and how to live it in our prayer groups as well as in our personal lives. When the vision is alive, it will revolutionize our lives, the life of the prayer group and ultimately the life of the Church.

Vision and Role of Prayer Groups
V     03NSC7
David Thorp
After nearly 37 years of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, what is the vision of the Renewal and, in light of it, what is the role of prayer groups?  The importance of and how to form this vision in others. This workshop will review the key elements of successful prayer groups, as well as variable elements that can be introduced from time to time.  Also discussed will be  the importance of preparation and planning.

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Building a ” Culture of Pentecost” and Other Challenges
Ron Ryan
In his recent statements to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Pope John Paul II has challenged us to build a “culture of Pentecost”.  What would such a culture look like?  What can leaders do in their own lives and families – and what can prayer groups, communities and the Renewal as a whole do – to build such a culture?

Growing in Faith and Virtues
12NSC10 (CD) 12NSC34 (DVD)
Sr. Nancy Kellar, SC
Many Christians want to skip the growth process and the dying it entails.  Christ does not intend that you be saved, sanctified and petrified.  Rather, “Do your utmost to support your faith with goodness, goodness with understanding, understanding with self-control, self-control with perseverance, perseverance with devotion, devotion with kindness to the brothers, and kindness to the brothers with love.”  (2 Pt 1:5-7)  Faith (believing, trusting, expectant) flows from an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ and is always based on the promises of God rooted in Jesus’ yes.  Growing in faith requires a commitment to grow in the virtues (cardinal and theological). “Virtue is a habitual and firm disposition to do good.”  (CCC 1833)

How Can Charismatic Renewal Impact Parishes?
Ron Ryan
Over the nearly 37 years of Renewal, many people have attempted many things to renew their local parishes.  What have we been trying to do?  What has worked?  What hasn’t?  And what are some new approaches for being effective instruments of renewal in our parishes?

Novo Millennio Ineunte      
Mark Nehrbas
This important pastoral statement of Pope John Paul II at the end of the Jubilee and the beginning of the Millennium sets forth a number of observations and challenges with which leaders in the Charismatic Renewal should be aware, especially if the Charismatic Renewal is to continue to play an important role in the life of the Church in this new Millennium.

Prayer Groups as Schools of Faith
12NSC11 (CD) 12NSC35 (DVD)
Deacon Bill Brennan
In his Apostolic letter, Novo Millennio Inuente Blessed Pope John Paul II challenged that “our Christian communities must become genuine ‘schools’ of prayer.”  (33)  In the same way our prayer groups must become genuine schools of faith, teaching not only the content of the faith, for example, the Catechism of the Catholic Church is a “precious and indispensible tool . . . at a systematic knowledge of the content of the faith.” (Porta Fidei, 11), but also how to walk in believing, trusting and expectant faith.  Practical examples of such teaching and best practices will be shared.

Rediscovering our Heritage:  Charism/Charismatic in the Documents of Vatican II
Walter Matthews
The “rediscovery” of the charismatic dimension, along with the hierarchical, as constitutive of the Church was essential for the emergence and acceptance of the Charismatic Renewal.  This workshop will review the key texts of the Documents of Vatican II for insights into the purpose of this outgoing of the Holy Spirit in our day which we call “Charismatic Renewal”.

Sent Forth to Build the Culture of Pentecost
D or V  05NSC2 / T or CD  05NSC6
Aggie Neck and Paul George 
What does the Lord ask of us who have received the grace of Pentecost?  What are we to do?

Year of Faith
12NSC9 (CD) 12NSC31 (DVD)
Mother Lucy Lukasiewicz
A year ago Pope Benedict XVI announced that from October 11 of this year until November 24, 2013 we have the opportunity to walk through the “door of faith.”  It is an opportunity “to rediscover the journey of faith so as to shed ever clearer light on the joy and renewed enthusiasm of the encounter with Christ,” and “to rediscover the content of faith that is professed, celebrated, lived and prayed.”  (Porta Fidei, 2, 9)  This Workshop will offer insights from the Holy Father’s letter and suggest ways Renewal participants might more fully participate in the Year of Faith.

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Alabanzas y Adoración es la Puerta Para Entrar al Santo de Santos
Praise and Worship is the door to enter into the Holy of Holies.

Marilynn Kramar
¿Por que glorificamos y adoramos a Dios?
¿Como nosotros venimos al alabar y adorar a Dios?
¿Que son las bendiciones de adorer en comunidad?

Why do we praise and adore God?
How do we come to praise and worship God?
What are the blessings of communal worship?

Caminando en Fe
Jesus Omar Sanchez

Carismas:Apoderados para Proclamar
12NSC18 (CD)
Jesus Omar Sanchez

Duc in Altum! Remando mar adentro para una Nueva Evangelización durante el Año de Fe y más allá
12NSC17 (CD)
Martha Fernandez-Sardina

Evangelizacion:La Mas Noble Aventura
12NSC15 (CD)
Jesse Romero

Revive las Carismas que Dios Te Dio Para Unificar y Edificar su Iglesia
Revival of the charisms the Lord has given us to unify and edify His Church

Fr. Eugenio Cardenas
¿Que son los charismas?
¿Que dice la escritura sobre los charismas?
¿Como y porque debemos usar los charismas?

What are charisms?
What does the scripture say about the charisms?
How and why should we use the charisms?

El Señor quiere sanarnos y cambiarnos para que seamos mejores instrumentos de su amor
The Lord wants to Heal and Change Us so we become better Instruments of His love.

Fr. Eugenio Cardenas
Todos necesitamos sanación
¿Que soy ahora? Estoy abierto para la sanación que necesito para servir al Senor.
¿Que clase de instrumento quiere Dios que yo sea?

All of us need healing
Who am I now? I am open for the healing necessary to serve the Lord.
What kind of instrument does God want me to become?

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Therese Boucher
This workshop will provide a basic understanding of “communion,” as understood by Pope John Paul II, when he said, “To make the Church the home and school of communion: that is the great challenge facing us in the millennium which is now beginning.” (NMI 43)  Explore practical ways to build upon the “spirituality of Pentecost” to foster a “spirituality of communion.”

Fr. Richard Loch
On the eve of Pentecost 2004 Pope John Paul II said, “I hope that the spirituality of Pentecost will spread in the Church as a renewed incentive to prayer, holiness, communion and proclamation.”  What is the “spirituality of Pentecost” in Pope John Paul II’s thinking?  Hoes does it relate to baptism in the Holy Spirit?

Personal Holiness
Bishop Tom Flanagan
Holiness is both gift and task.  Pope John Paul II exhorted, “the time has come to re-propose wholeheartedly to everyone this high standard or ordinary Christian living.” (NMI31).  He has called for a “genuine ‘training in holiness.’”  How can leaders grow in holiness and how can they help those in their care to grow in holiness?   How does the “spirituality of Pentecost” provide impetus to this growth in holiness?

Dr. Carol Razza
Pope John Paul II spoke many times about prayer and about increased prayer.  In Novo Millennio Inuente he spoke of “the art of prayer” and said that “our Christian communities must become genuine ‘schools of prayer.’” (32-33)  How does the “spirituality of Pentecost” impact our prayer – personal and communal?

Proclamation:  Go and Tell It!
Alex Jones
Jesus came among us to proclaim the Good News.  How are we to proclaim the Good News and how does the spirituality of Pentecost help and impel us to do so?  “The missionary mandate accompanies us into the Third Millennium and urges us to share the enthusiasm of the very first Christians: we can count on the power of the same Spirit who was poured out at Pentecost and who impels us still today . . .” (NMI 58 cf 40)

Unending Life in the Spirit: God’s Wildest Dreams For Us
Aggie Neck
The Chairman of the NSC proclaims the Lord’s desire for us: unending life in the Spirit.

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Baptism in the Holy Spirit Revisited
David Thorp
After nearly 37 years of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, what is the consensus understanding of baptism in the Holy Spirit?  What can the insights of others (e.g., Fr. Francis Sullivan, Fr. Peter Hocken, Fr. Francis Martin) add to this understanding?

Charismatic Apologetics
Fr. Tim Hepburn
This workshop will provide participants with some of the basic arguments for the existence of the Charismatic Renewal and for the grace at its heart: baptism in the Holy Spirit.  Participants will become more knowledgeable and clearer about the Catholic Charismatic Renewal as a result of the workshop.

Charismatic Renewal as Movement, as Stream of Grace 
Walter Matthews
The Charismatic Renewal has been variously described as a movement and a stream of grace.  What insights about the Charismatic Renewal do these two understandings bring?     How are the two related?

Discerning the Word
Fr. George Montague
A Biblical scholar shares insights on how to discern the word of the Lord from a Biblical perspective. What tools for discernment are given in the Scriptures themselves?  How is knowledge of Scripture essential and ignorance of Scripture an obstacle for a firm foundation in a Catholic Christian life?

Deacon Gary Moore/Fr. John Gordon
“The entire history and experience of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church indicates that the renewal in the Spirit has a special ecumenical calling.”  (Call to Holiness)  What insights does a Methodist perspective bring to the challenge of ecumenism and the role of baptism in the Holy Spirit in ecumenism in the present moment?  What can/must be done on the individual and local level to respond to Jesus’ prayer for unity (Jn 17)?



Bishop Sam Jacobs

“The Eucharist is ‘the source and summit of the Catholic life.’” (CCC, 1324). How can we deepen our love for and experience of the celebration of the Eucharist? What insights can be gleaned from the Church’s recent teachings by Pope John Paul II and Benedict XVI?


Grace for the New Springtime 
Fr. John Gordon
In line with the Holy Father calling the Third Millennium the “new springtime for Christianity,”  the U.S. Bishops wrote, ABecause we believe that God in His great love for His people continues to fulfill His promise to pour out His Spirit anew, we have entitled this statement, [their 1997 Statement on the Catholic Charismatic Renewal] “Grace for the New Springtime”.  In what ways is the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit grace for the new springtime?

The Holy Spirit in Scripture
Fr. John Gordon
This workshop will revisit the key texts in the Old Testament and the New Testament about the Holy Spirit.  What do the texts reveal about the person and role of the Holy Spirit?  The workshop will help, therefore, to recognize the action of the Holy Spirit in our own time.  That is, as we see how the Spirit of God is revealed in the Scriptures, we can recognize the Spirit of God today.

If It’s New, It Ain’t True!  A Look at the Church Fathers
Deacon Alex Jones
An introduction to some of the key figures in the post-apostolic era and some of the key insights they gave the Church.  Suggested tools for learning more about and from the Church Fathers will be given.

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The Anointed Young:  Our Charismatic Future
Fr. Tim Hepburn
Recognizing the anointing that is on the younger generations and serving these anointed young people with the wisdom of 40 years of Catholic Charismatic Renewal will bring real renewal in the Church.  This workshop will explore ways that this can happen.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit for Post-Modern Youth
Jim Beckman
The Life in the Spirit Seminar was written for a prior generation.  Even the Catholic Edition 2000 is more suited for older adults than youth and young adults.  How can we communicate more effectively to Generation Y?  For youth ministers: how baptism in the Holy Spirit as explained can transform the youth to whom you are ministering.

Being Bold with Baptism in the Holy Spirit in Youth Ministry
Caroline Gambale
It’s game time! Baptism in the Holy Spirit has touched your life; now it is time to be bold with baptism in the Holy Spirit in ministry to youth. Are you ready to step up to the plate and help teens go deeper? From personal examples to key truths, you will hear how the power of the Spirit can renew and transform your Youth Ministry program. It is time to enter the no-spin zone.  “Do not be ashamed, then, of witnessing for our Lord.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, keep the good things that have been entrusted to you.” (2Tim 1:8, 14).

Emerging Worship: Practical Tips to Leading Worship for the Post Modern Culture
Paul George
Worship has both a timeless dimension and an in the moment dimension. Today’s culture has taught our young people to expect nearly instantaneous results. What are some practical tips to leading worship for the post-modern culture?

The Heart of Worship: Leading Young People in Catholic Worship 
Fr. Tim Hepburn
Through the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, God has given many Catholics a new thirst for worship.  This workshop will focus on teen and young adult worship in the Catholic Church and the responsibility of leaders to move with the Spirit while teaching the Catholic worship tradition.

How to Have a Greater Spiritual Impact on Your Ministry/the Spirituality of the Minister
Presented by Caroline Gambale
The challenge of contemporary youth ministry is to bring substance and depth (the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit) in the midst of many competing voices. To have a greater spiritual impact on one’s ministry requires that one attend to one’s own relationship to the Lord through prayer, the Sacraments and support groups. This workshop will challenge those in Youth and Young Adult Ministry to go deeper.

Ministry Challenge: Questions and Answers


Johnny Bertucci and Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR

An opportunity for youth ministers and others who work with youth and young adults to explore together the challenges of reaching them with the Good News in the power of the Holy Spirit, of bringing substance and depth in the midst of many competing voices.

Ministering to Youth and Young Adults in the power of the Holy Spirit


Dan Dirkes

Baptism in the Holy Spirit has touched your life; now it is time to be bold with baptism in the Holy Spirit in ministry to youth and young adults.  From personal examples to key truths, the power of the Spirit to renew your Ministry will be shared.  It is time to enter the no-spin zone.  “Do not be ashamed, then, of witnessing for our Lord.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives in us, keep the good things that have been entrusted to you.” (2Tim 1:8,14).

Post Modern Youth: Who Are They and Practical Tips for Passing on Baptism in the Holy Spirit
Fr. Tim Hepburn
Who is the Y Generation? What are their characteristics? What are their hopes and dreams? How can we more effectively lead today’s youth and young adults into baptism in the Holy Spirit? For Youth Ministers: how can this transform your ministry?

Prophets Outside the Tent: Serving Movements of the Spirit in Young People from the Heart  of the Charismatic Renewal  
Fr. Tim Hepburn
Young Catholic have more options for spiritual renewal today than they did in the last three decades.  In the Church today many young people have a steady diet of praise and worship, evangelistic opportunities, spiritual experiences, charism workshops and Bible studies available to them.  Still, many of these young people do not know of baptism in the Holy Spirit and Charismatic Renewal, but they would greatly benefit if they did.  This workshop will look at how the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit can integrate the experience of young people and foster a culture of Pentecost.

Relational Evangelization in the Spirit
Michael Tigue
Based upon successful ministry on a college campus, this workshop will explore building a solid ministry on the grace of the Holy Spirit, teaching young people to use the gifts of the Spirit, and building them into a core community that evangelizes through small groups.

Releasing Young Adults into their Desting


Rev. Paul Anderson

The challenge to reach the next generation is not a “Catholic” issue. Every denomination, every ethnic group is facing the same issues. Rev. Anderson will share from his work with 60-100 young adults who meet with him every week in his home, and from the experience of the Lutheran Renewal, some of their wisdom, strength and hope.


Teaching the Truth in Youth and Young Adult Ministry


Johnny Bertucci

Many involved in youth ministry don’t think the younger generation is capable of dealing with the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord and He needs to be the Lord and Savior of their lives. We think we need to water it down or tip-toe around it. We think the youth are too immature to respond in any sort of legitimate way. The fact of the matter is: the opposite is true: They want to be challenged. They are indeed ready to respond in ways that would astonish us.

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Exhortation on Marriage: Finding a Husband in Christ
Rudy Garcia and Priscilla Vela

Free to be Holy
Neal Lozano

Get Real! and Testimony
12NSC21 (CD)
Jim Murphy and Stephanie Ganzalez

Holy Enough
Tammy Evevard

Models of Holiness
Ralph Martin

Reality Check (Who are You?) and Witness
12NSC19 (CD)
Jim Archer and Aaron Arismendez

The Power that Changes Me


Caroline Gambale-Dirkes

You Need to do the Ridiculous to See the Miraculous
12NSC24 (CD)
Johnny and Leslie Bertucci

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Homilies/General Session/Witness Talks

2003 National Leaders’ Conference in Nashville, TN

Move It Out 
V       03NSC1
Fr. Tom Forest
Fr. Tom Forest’s dynamic Keynote challenge to Renewal leaders in Nashville 2003 to move it out: to use the gifts given for the spread of the Gospel!


Unending Life in the Spirit: God’s Wildest Dreams For Us
Aggie Neck
The Chairman of the NSC proclaims the Lord’s desire for us: unending life in the Spirit.

Homily – The Virtue of Fidelity
Fr. Tom Forest
Fr. Tom Forest’s engaging Sunday homily on fidelity.

2005 National Leaders’ Conference in Chicago, IL

The Culture of Pentecost 
D  or V      05NSC1 / T or  CD  05NSC4
Bishop Sam Jacobs   
Bishop Sam Jacobs’ powerful and challenging Keynote in Chicago 2005.

Sent Forth to Build the Culture of Pentecost
D or V  05NSC2 / T or CD  05NSC6
Aggie Neck and Paul George 
What does the Lord ask of us who have received the grace of Pentecost?  What are we to do?

D or V  05NSC3
T or CD  05NSC5
Bishop Robert Carlson
Bishop Robert Carlson’s affirming homily in Chicago 2005.

D or V 05NSC3
T or CD 05NSC7
Fr. John Gordon   
Fr. Gordon’s rousing challenge to leaders in Chicago 2005.

2006 National Leaders’ Conference in Albuquerque, NM

Peter Herbeck The Keynote talk from the 2006 National Leaders’ Conference.

Fr. Daniel Balazan/Caroline Gambale
Fr. Balizan’s homily at the 2006 National Leaders’ Conference and Caroline Gambale’s witness from Friday evening.

Proclamation of the Good News
Marilynn Kramar This stirring proclamation of the Good News led to a powerful ministry time and release of the Holy Spirit, Saturday evening at the 2006 National Leaders’ Conference.

The New Evangelization
Fr. Tom Forrest A challenging talk as we were sent forth from the 2006 National Leaders’ Conference.

Fr. John Gordon/Aimee Mangan
Fr. Gordon’s rousing Sunday homily at the 2006 National Leaders’ Conference and Aimee Mangan’s witness from Sunday morning.

2008 National Leaders’ Conference in Nashville, TN

A Future Full of Hope/Katrinia Witness


Tom Curran/Al Mansfield

Tom Curran Keynote speaker Friday evening and Al Mansfield witness.

Homily/Healing Service Teaching


Bishop David Choby/Fr. Richard Loch and Judith Hughes

Saturday Morning Mass with Bishop David Choby and the Saturday Afternoon Healing Service.

Hope Does Not Disappoint Us/Marriage Witness


Jim Murphy/Ron and Carole Bergman

Jim Murphy engaging Keynote talk Saturday evening and Ron and Carole Bergman’s inspiring witness of their marriage.

Going Forward in Hope/Pentecost Witness


Michelle Moran/Kim Kollins

Michelle Moran’s inspiring keynote talk on hope and Kim Kollins talk on Pentecost and Pentecost for the Nations.

Homily and Mass Highlights


Fr. John Gordon

Fr. John Gordon’s wonderful Sunday morning mass and homily.

2009 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference in Raleigh, NC

Healing Service and Reflection

GNI Media

Dr. Bill Mitchell

Stirring the Fire of Pentecost: Empowerment Ministry

GNI Media

Aggie Neck

Talk: The Mission Ahead

GNI Media

David Thorp

Witness: Friday night

GNI Media

Jane Guenther

2010 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference in St. Paul, MN

Power from on High for all Generations


Peter Herbeck Keynote on Friday evening

Baptism in Spirit: Power from on High


Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa Saturday Morning General Session

How a Reluctant Priest was Baptized in the Spirit


Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa Saturday Afternoon General Session

Power For Freedom and Holiness and Empowerment Ministry


Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR Saturday Evening

Witness Talks


Mary Hagar “My Journey to be an Evangelizer” Friday Evening

Christine Hamers “From California to MN for the Lord”  Saturday Evening

Rev. Paul Anderson “Young Adults on Fire for Jesus” Sunday Morning



Archbishop John Nienstedt Homily from Saturday Mass

Bishop Sam Jacobs Homily from Sunday Mass

2011 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference in Baltimore

We are Standing on Holy Ground
11NSC1 (T), 11NSC23 (V)
Ralph Martin Friday Evening Keynote

Freedom to be Holy
11NSC2 (T)
Neal Lozano Saturday morning General Session

11NSC24 (V)
Neal Lozano and Fr. Dave Pivonka Mass Highlights

Empowerment for Holiness and Young Adult Witness
11NSC3 (T), 11NSC25 (V)
Tammy Evevard Talk on Saturday Evening
Brian Kissinger Young Adult Witness Saturday Evening

Sent Forth in Holiness and Witness Talk
11NSC4 (T), 11NSC26 (V)
Charles Whithead General Session Talk on Sunday Morning
Angelus Virata Witness on Sunday Morning

11NSC5 (T)
Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR Homily from Saturday Mass
Fr. Francis Martin Homily from Sunday Mass

11NSC27 (V)
Fr. Francis Martin Sunday Mass Highlights

2012 National Leaders’ and Ministries’ Conference in San Antonio

Receive the Holy Spirit
12NSC1 (CD) 12NSC26 (DVD)
Jesse Romero Friday Night Keynote Address

Proclaim the Gospel
12NSC2 (CD) and 12NSC27 (DVD)
Sr. Nancy Kellar S.C. Saturday morning General Session

Living in Grace and Faith and Back From the Brink of Suicide
12NSC3 (CD) 12NSC28 (DVD)
Jim Murphy Saturday Evening General Session and Katie Schneider Young Adult Witness

Live Out the New Evangelization
12NSC4 (CD) 12NSC29 (DVD)
Walter Matthews Sunday morning General Session

12NSC5 (CD) 12NSC27 (DVD) 12NSC30 (DVD)
Archbishop Garcia-Siller on Saturday Morning
Fr. Bob Hogan, BBD Sunday Mass Highlights

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