Join us as we pray a Pentecost Novena!
On May 4, 1897, Pope Leo XIII proclaimed: “We decree and command that throughout the whole Catholic Church, this year and in every subsequent year, a Novena shall take place before Whit-Sunday (Pentecost), in all parish churches…” (Encyclical On the Holy Spirit, 13)
On our Facebook page, we will post a daily scripture and prayer for each day of the Pentecost Novena. Join us as we pray for more of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in our world!
(for a few different novena options to pray at your home or with your group visit our Pentecost Novena page).
Novena to the Holy Spirit
Following the Ascension of Our Lord, tradition says that the disciples gathered in the upper room together with Our Blessed Mother for the novena, nine days of prayer in anticipation of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was given to the disciples to empower them to “be my witnesses…even to the ends of the earth.” (Acts1:8)
Today, as disciples of Jesus, we too join together in prayer for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our parish, our faith communities, our families, and in ourselves. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to be effective witnesses of love of God for our world.
This novena to the Holy Spirit has been designed for either individual or communal prayer. The spiritual impact of serious prayer and reflection is immeasurable.
Prayers to the Holy Spirit
Cardinal Mercier
O Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul, I adore You.
Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, console me.
Tell me what I should do; give me Your orders.
I promise to submit myself to all that You desire of me and to accept all that You permit to happen to me. Let me only know Your Will.
St. Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Breathe in me O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may all be holy.
Act in me O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy.
Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy.
Guard me then O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy.
Come, Holy Ghost (Veni Creator Spiritus)
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest, and in our hearts take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heav’nly aid, To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.
O Comforter, to Thee we cry, Thou heav’nly gift of God most high,
Thou Fount of life, and Fire of love, and sweet anointing from above.
O Finger of the hand divine, the sevenfold gifts of grace are thine;
true promise of the Father thou, who dost the tongue with power endow.
Thy light to every sense impart, and shed thy love in every heart;
thine own unfailing might supply to strengthen our infirmity.
Drive far away our ghostly foe, and thine abiding peace bestow;
if thou be our preventing Guide, no evil can our steps betide.
Praise we the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit with them One;
and may the Son on us bestow the gifts that from the Spirit flow.
V. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Christ Jesus, before ascending into heaven, you promised to send the Holy Spirit to your apostles and disciples. Grant that the same Spirit may perfect in our lives the work of your grace and love. Grant us the Spirit of fear of the Lord that we may be filled with loving reverence toward you; the Spirit of piety that we might find peace and fulfillment in the service of God while serving others; the Spirit of fortitude that we may bear our cross with you and, with courage overcome the obstacles that interfere with our salvation; the Spirit of knowledge that we may know you and know ourselves and grow in holiness; the Spirit of understanding to enlighten our minds with the light of your truth; the Spirit of counsel that we may choose the surest way of doing your will, seeking first the kingdom. Grant us the Spirit of wisdom that we may aspire to the things that last forever. Teach us to be your faithful disciples and animate us in every way with your Spirit. Amen.
act of consecration
On the final day pray the Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit
On my knees before the great multitude of heavenly witnesses I offer myself, soul and body, to You, Eternal Spirit of God. I adore the brightness of Your purity, the unerring keenness of Your justice and the might of Your love. You are the Strength and Light of my soul. In You I live and move and am. I desire never to grieve You by unfaithfulness to grace and I pray with all my heart to be kept from the smallest sin against You. Mercifully guard my every thought and grant that I may always watch for Your light and listen to Your voice and follow Your gracious inspirations. I cling to You and give myself to You and ask You by Your compassion to watch over me in my weakness. Holding the pierced Feet of Jesus and looking at His Five Wounds and trusting in His Precious Blood and adoring his opened Side and stricken Heart, I implore You, Adorable Spirit, Helper of my infirmity, so to keep me in Your grace that I may never sin against You. Give me grace, O Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Father and the Son to say to You always and everywhere, “Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.”