This is a list of books and resources that can help you with information on healing and deliverance. They are in no particular order. Or you can Click Here: Bibliography for Healing and Deliverance to download a .pdf format.
An Exorcist Tells His Story
Author: Fr. Gabriel Amorth
Ignatius Press, 1999
ISBN 0-89870-710-2
Fr. Gabriel Amorth as the renowned Chief Exorcist of Rome, shares his experiences of doing battle with Satan. Talks about Exorcising Homes; The use of Water, Oil and Salt; Who can Expel Demons? The book includes the witness of victims, witchcraft, curses, things in the area of darkness that the modern world finds laughable. According to Fr. Cantalamessa, we are called to be the “Prophetic Voice” in the Church. If we do not help to lead people from the darkness to the light of Christ, to be healed and set free, then we will have failed. Let us not be afraid to warn our people even if the world laughs!
Deadly Emotions: Understanding the Mind-Body-Spirit connection that can heal or destroy you
Author: Don Colbert, M.D.
Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2006
ISBN-13: 978-0-7852-8808-4
The author exposes the feelings and emotions that can have toxic effects on the body. He focuses on four areas essential to emotional well being – truth, forgiveness, joy and peace and how to find true health – for your body, mind and spirit.
Deliverance From Evil Spirits: A Weapon for Spiritual Warfare
Authors: Fr. Michael Scanlan, TOR and Randall J. Cirner
St. Anthony Messenger Press, 1980
ISBN: 0-89283-091-3
This book examines the ministry of deliverance. The Authors explain the authoritative Christian teaching about spiritual warfare. They explain a pastorally sound and effective weapon for dealing with evil spirits.
Deliverance from Evil Spirits: A Practical Manual
Author: Francis MacNutt
Chosen Books, New edition, 2009
ISBN: 0800794605
This is a practical manual written by one of the most experience practitioners of Christian healing and deliverance. It covers:
- Clearing away misconceptions about deliverance
- The scriptural basis for deliverance
- Curses and the power of false judgments
- Preparation for deliverance ministry
- Deliverance of places
An excellent, well balanced book on the subject of the existence and kinds of evil spirits. Covers the dangers of curses, discerning of spirits, how to pray for deliverance.
Healing as a Parish Ministry: Mending body, Mind and Spirit
Authors: Fr. Leo Thomas, OP and Jan Alkire
Byron Books, Box 51072, Seattle, WA 98115-1072, 2000
ISBN: 0-9679815-0-6
This book describes a model for collaboration between the clergy and the laity for parish based healing ministry. It is a guide for integrating healing prayer into the mainstream of normal parish life.
Healing your Family Tree: A God designed solution for difficult problems
Author: Fr. John H. Hampsch, C.F.M.
Queenship Publishing, 1999
ISBN: 1-57918-108-2
The author uses a question-and-answer format to guide the reader through a healing process to clean up sins, and illnesses passed down from past generations. Fr. Hampsch describes it as a healing program that has proven to be one with astonishing power.
Author: Francis MacNutt
Revised Edition. Ave Maria Press, 1998
ISBN: 0877936765
Francis MacNutt was one of the first Catholics involved in the charismatic renewal and in the practice of praying for healing. This, his first book on healing, covers the reality of miraculous healing and the basics of a healing ministry. Also included are four kinds of healing, 11 reasons why people are not healed and the relationship of the sacraments to healing.
Healing and Wholeness
Author: John A. Sanford
Paulist Press, N.Y., N.Y., 1977
ISBN: 0-8091-2044-5
John Sanford is an Episcopal priest who wrote about healing using many sources. He writes with the wisdom of working with many people over the years and draws upon insights into healing from ancient Greek healing mysteries, the wisdom of the American Indian and the healing emphasis in early Christianity. It is not a complete book on healing, but the reader will find some insights that are helpful.
Inner Healing
Author: Michael Scanlon, TOR
Paulist Press, N.Y., N.Y. 1974
ISBN: 0-8091-1846-7
This book particularly focuses on freeing the human spirit to free it from inner sickness, sin and despair. It suggests guidelines and attitudes that ought to prevail in Christian Healing Ministry. It includes how the minister should proceed and what is his relationship to Jesus and to the healing community.
Interview With An Exorcist
Author: Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea
Ascension Press
ISBN 10: 1-932645-96-9 and ISBN 13: 978-1-932645-96-5
This is written in question and answer form. It is easy to read with an index that will lead you right to the questions you have and the answers. Fr. Fortea shares with us his many years of working as an exorcist. Fr. Fortea is a priest of the Diocese of Alcala, Spain. This book is endorsed with a foreword by the Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila, DD – Bishop of Fargo. A handy book that should be in every Catholic home.
Overcome By The Spirit
Author: Francis MacNutt
Chosen Books, P. O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287, 1990
ISBN: 0-8007-9170-3
The author explores the phenomenon he prefers to call “resting in the spirit”. He tackles every conceivable question and concern about this issue. Christians seeking deeper understanding of this phenomenon will find biblically informed wisdom and sensitivity. It includes practical advice to those in the healing ministry.
The Healing Light
Author: Agnes Sanford
Macalester Park Publishing Company, St.Paul, Minnesota, Revised Edition 1972
This book addressed the art and method of spiritual healing. This is one of the earliest books on healing and deals with how God works through us and different experiments in prayer. She shares how God turns on the light of His creative energy through healing. Agnes also deals with the healing of the emotions, the healing power of forgiveness, healing from a distance and the healing of the world.
The Healing Gifts of the Spirit
Author: Agnes Sanford
J.B. Lippincott Company, N.Y., N.Y., 1966
ISBN: 0-397-1002604
This is a practical guide to spiritual healing written by a woman who was cured of acute depression by a minister who believed in the healing power of prayer. This book was an early study into the gifts of the Spirit in relationship to healing. Agnes shares simple, easily practicable ways of self help and gives step-by-step advice on how to help others.
The Power to Heal
Author: Francis MacNutt
Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, IN 46556 1997
ISBN: 0-87793-133-X
This is a follow up book to the author’s classic book “Healing”. It contains new insights and practical tips from the author own experiences. An invaluable resource and guide for practitioners of healing prayer ministry.
“Jesus Christ The Bearer Of The Water Of Life”
A Christian Reflection on the “New Age.” From the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.