Friends of the NSC

Sustaining Partner Pledge

Your Pledge that keeps on giving until the whole world is set

Become a Sustaining Partner Today!Keep Reading for more Information

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Sustaining Partner Pledger.  If you already have a Sustaining Partner Pledge and are looking to make a pledge payment, please click here or click on the DONATE button on our homepage.

“This current of grace is for all the Church, not just for some… we are all servants of this current of grace.”

Pope Francis
June 3, 2017 • Circus Maximus, Rome


Sustaining Partner Pledge

We are moving from the Jubilee Year to the “New Season,” as proclaimed at the Jubilee Conference, trusting in the Lord’s guidance as we discern Pope Francis’ call to bring the various streams of the Renewal together under what is called CHARIS “one service for the one grace” and heeding his encouragement to bring the “current of grace” (baptism in the Holy Spirit) to all people, we invite you to join us through making a Sustaining Partner Pledge.

We have been blessed through the first fifty years of this Renewal in large part from your prayers and charitable support and we invite you to continue partnering with us into this exciting new season.

One of our initial responses is to sharpen our responsibility, with the Lord’s help, to gather the necessary resources to maintain the NSC’s ministries and to be ready to address initiatives which are anticipated, but not yet clear. (As our Lord said, “be ready, for you know not the hour or the day.” Mt 25:13; see Acts 1:7) One modest but important first step is to adjust our fund raising strategy to reflect our efforts to support this new season.

Our overall Donor Group will continue to be called Friends of the NSC.

Sustaining Partner is a monthly, quarterly or annual pledge. You choose the amount and frequency. You will be able to opt out at any point in the future.

Strategic Plan 2018 – 2023

National Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the US (NSC)
We work together to foster baptism in the Holy Spirit in the Church

Our Strategic Plan is in harmony with the CHARIS Initiative of Pope Francis on the International level and is tied into the NSC’s Mission Statement available here.

Strategic Priority 1:


Bring baptism in the Holy Spirit to the whole Church

Strategic Priorities:

Designed to implement key elements of the NSC’s Mission Statement

Strategic Priority 2:

Strengthen the Renewal

Form, mentor, and prepare those in the Renewal for mission

Strategic Priority 3:

Enhance Unity

Foster unity in the Renewal, in the Body of Christ (ecumenism), and in the Church

Strategic Priority 4:

Empower Young Adults

through baptism in the Holy Spirit for evangelization, ministry and worship, leadership, and community life

The mission of the National Service Committee is to foster the dynamic grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5) which empowered the members of the early Church at Pentecost.

Foundational Priority 1:

Structures and Processes

Implement initiatives to sustain the Vision Mission, and Strategic Priorities

Foundational Priorities:

Designed to enable the NSC to implement the Strategic Priorities

Foundational Priority 2:


Develop a comprehensive Communications plan promoting the Vision, Mission and Strategic Priorities


Supporting the NSC and the Sustaining Partner Pledge


To us, the NSC is like a beacon on a hill, a badly needed point of reference and encouragement. Even as leaders of a very small prayer group, we continue to need information on conferences, resources, interactions with the Church and the larger picture within the Renewal; plus the assurance there is much more God is doing. That is why we support the NSC, it is the best and about the only organization that fills that need.

Beth and Jeff Anderson, Huntsville, AL

My husband used to say “It’s important to be useful, not just ornamental.” To help, as we are able. Catholic Charismatic Renewal has strengthened my faith, both as a parishioner, and as a volunteer in diocesan activities, which includes our Renewal activities. We are blessed, as Catholics, to be part of a great family that extends be-yond city, state and country borders, seeing the work of our Holy Spirit world-wide.

Kay Limke, Tulsa, OK

To Our Friends of the NSC

Annual Donors:

Your support remains critically important. Please continue. At the same time we respectfully ask you to consider becoming a Sustaining Partner on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis which strongly helps us to better manage our resources.

Monthly or Quarterly Donors:

Those of you who are already committed to a fixed amount each month or quarter, we gratefully thank you for this pattern of charitable giving supporting the NSC’s mission. We ask you too to consider becoming a Sustaining Partner by making a pledge even increasing it if you are able.


We invite you to become a Sustaining Partner as your current pledge expires.


Those who have completed your Campaign pledge or made a Campaign gift, we thank you again, and ask you to prayerfully consider making a pledge as a Sustaining Partner at the same or another level. This will strength-en our ability to manage our resources.

To those who are still fulfilling their Campaign pledges, we thank you for following through with your generous commitment. We will continue to account for the monies as we have, supporting the work of our Young Adult Outreach and strengthening our Third Millennium Fund, which enabled us to initiate the purchase of The Ark and The Dove.

If you are inspired to extend the grace of baptism in the Spirit by supporting the NSC’s Vision, Mission, and Strategic Plan, become a Sustaining Partner and make a Pledge.