Jimmy Archer
Jimmy Archer has been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal since 1975 when he was baptized in the Holy Spirit. His life was forever changed that day as the unconditional love of God was poured into his heart. Jimmy has served the Lord since out of gratitude in what he refers to as, “His heart Ministries” (formed by the heart of God to present His Heart!). Presently he is a member of the Pastoral Service Team for the renewal in West Virginia. He was on the NSC Council from March 2008 until he was elected to the National Service Committee in January 2011. He was re-elected January 2014 and again in 2017.
Jimmy was born and raised in Brooklyn NY and moved his family to West Virginia in 1991 accepting a position with the Grumman Aerospace Corporation as Plant Manager of their newly constructed assembly plant. He was married in 2013 after his first wife died several years before.
He remains open to the love of the Father being poured out through the Holy Spirit revealing Jesus, and hopes to be continually transformed, becoming a conduit of His love to the world!

Jim Beckman
Jim serves as the Executive Director of Evangelization and Catechesis for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. He has been involved with Diocesan and parish ministry, evangelization and leadership development for more than 30 years. A graduate from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1987, Jim has served in various roles of leadership for national, regional and local ministry ever since. He is a dynamic and passionate speaker and has a great love for the Church.
He has built solid and thriving ministry programs in numerous parishes and Dioceses over the years. Jim also is the Executive Director of ImpactCenter, a non-profit dedicated to leadership development in the Catholic Church, and serves as an adjunct professor for the Augustine Institute, teaching on topics of leadership, evangelization and discipleship. He also serves as an Ambassador for Franciscan University of Steubenville. He and his wife, Meg, live in Oklahoma City with their five children.
Beckman was first elected to the National Service Committee in 2015, and again in 2018.


Matt Bourgeois
Matt Bourgeois is from New Orleans. He and his wife Kristen are members of the Center of Jesus the Lord in New Orleans. He was a Praise and Worship Leader in two separate charismatic youth prayer groups for 4 – 5 years. He taught High School theology for six years and was a campus minister for three years in two separate High Schools. He organized a Pentecost Praise early for the Franciscan Friars of Renewal in New York in 2010. Presently Bourgeois is employed as a General Manager of a Book Publishing Department concerning multimedia technology. Bourgeois was appointed to a three-year term on the NSC Council in 2016, now replaced by his election to the NSC.

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson
The Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson, a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota, was ordained to the priesthood in 1970 for the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. He went on to receive a master’s degree in divinity from St. Paul Seminary in 1976 and a licentiate in canon law from the Catholic University of America in 1979. Ordained as an auxiliary bishop for his home archdiocese in 1984, he went on to serve as Bishop of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, (1994-2005) and the Bishop of Saginaw, Michigan (2005-2009). Archbishop Carlson was installed as Archbishop of St. Louis on June 10, 2009. His passion for education, vocations, youth ministry and priestly formation have contributed to the growth and vitality of all the Dioceses he has served.
Archbishop Carlson serves on several committees. He previously served as chair of the USCCB Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations and as co-chair of the Mission Advisory Committee for the Institute for Priestly Formation. Archbishop Carlson received the Interfaith Partnership Award in September, 2011. He was also honored with receiving the Joseph Cardinal Ritter Award in February, 2012, the Sister Mary Ann Eckhoff Leadership Award in April, 2012, the Service to the Community Award from the Ecumenical Leadership Council in May, 2012, the Order of Saint Louis King Award in November, 2015 and the Luminary Award for Criminal Justice in June, 2017. In October of 2017, Archbishop Carlson was awarded the 2017 NCEA Seton Award for his outstanding lifetime commitment, support, and service to Catholic Education.
Padre Mario Castañeda
PADRE MARIO CASTAÑEDA, sacerdote Colombiano de la Diócesis de Palm Beach, es Pastor de la Iglesia Católica St. John Fisher en West Palm Beach FL. El Padre se graduó de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana en Bogotá, Colombia. Él ha sido ordenado en 1995 por la Diócesis de Stockton, California. Antes de St. John Fisher el era el Pastor Asociado en la Iglesia Católica de Santa Rita en Wellington, FL.
El Padre Mario es fundador y presidente del Ministerio “Tu Palabra Hoy”. Una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuya misión es servir, evangelizar y traer el mensaje de confort, esperanza y la alegría de la fe a todo el mundo. El Padre tiene el honor de ser invitado a predicar en pulpitos distinguidos a través de la Florida, así como también nacional e internacionalmente. Él ha viajado a Centro y Sur América, Canadá, México, España, Bolivia, Colombia y la Republica Dominicana, por nombrar algunos. El Padre Mario también presenta en español un sermón en vivo a las 12 pm los domingos. A través de este medio, el ha podido compartir su amor a Jesús y la proclamación del Evangelio a todos.
Fr. Mario Castañeda is the pastor of St. John Fisher Catholic Church in West Palm Beach, a position he assumed in 2009. He received his Master’s in Philosophy and Theology from the Pontifical Xavierian University in Bogota, Colombia. Ordained in 1995 in the Diocese of Stockton, California, Fr. Mario has worked in the Diocese of Palm Beach as Associate Pastor at the Basilica of St. Mary Star of the Sea in Key West, St. Rita Catholic Church in Wellington, as well as Our Lady of Lourdes in Boca Raton. In 2002, Fr. Mario served as the Episcopal Secretary to then Bishop Sean, Cardinal O’Malley.
Fr. Mario is the founder and president “Tu Palabra Hoy,” a ministry with its mission to serve, evangelize and bring the message of comfort, hope and joy of faith to everyone. He has been invited to share his message as he preaches throughout North, Central and South America. Through his ministry, as well as the video-streamed Spanish sermons every Sunday, Fr. Mario is able to share his love of Christ and proclaim the Gospel to all.

Gloria Coyne
Gloria Coyne has been involved with Charismatic Renewal since 1997. She is married to her husband Joe for over 35 years and has served in various capacities at her parish, St. Ignatius of Antioch, in Bucks County, PA. Professionally, Gloria is one of the principles of a healthcare technology company, HealthWeb Solutions.
She is the Bishop’s appointed Liaison for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Charismatic Renewal and, has also been elected to serve on the Steering Committee for the Association of Diocesan Liaisons.
In 2008, she was selected to serve on the NSC Council with a focus on developing priestly Involvement in the Renewal. In addition to, in Philadelphia, she serves on the Board of Catholic Charities and on the Committee for the Archbishop’s Benefit for Children. At the Papal visit in Philadelphia, she was the local Administrator for the World Meeting of Families International Charismatic event, and was on the planning committee for the 2017 National Jubilee Conference in Pittsburgh. She was elected to the NSC in 2018.

Dan and Caroline Dirkes
Dan Dirkes and Caroline Gambale-Dirkes are a husband and wife team with more than 40 years of combined ministry experience and a passion for evangelizing people of all ages.
In 2007, Dan and Caroline founded 2Tim4 Ministries based on a deep desire to respond to St. Pope John Paul the Great’s call for a New Evangelization. 2Tim4 Ministries utilizes a blend of technology, cutting-edge marketing techniques, fun illustrations, powerful worship, community-building activities, and powerful presentations to engage and lead people of all ages to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Dan and Caroline have ministered to families, youth and adults across the United States and Canada through parish missions, conferences and retreats. Dan and Caroline also lead the Upper Room Prayer Group at Christ the King Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan where more than 200 people of all ages gather to worship the Lord twice a month. Their ministry has been featured on EWTN’s show “The Choices We Face” and Shalom World’s show “Forerunners.” Dan and Caroline have five children: Catherine, 10, Danny, 9, Therese, 7, Gianna, 3 and Elisabeth 1 years old.

Paul George
Paul George has been married to his wife, Gretchen, for 20 years. They have five children: Marie, Jacob, Sarah, Clare and Addie. It’s his role as a husband and father that Paul cherishes the most. Paul currently works as a sought-after speaker, consultant, and life coach (paulgeorge.la). He is the author of Rethink Happiness: Dare to Embrace God and Experience True Joy. Paul also host a weekly national radio show and podcast, The Paul George Show. He has a master’s degree in theology from the University of Dallas. Paul resides in Lafayette, Louisiana.

John Gresham
Dr. John Gresham is Director of Distance Education and Online Learning at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit MI. He holds a PhD in Religious Studies, Masters in Library Science and Certificate in Spiritual Direction. In his academic career Dr. Gresham has worked as a theology professor and/or librarian at Baylor University, Sterling College, Franciscan University of Steubenville, Fontbonne University and Kenrick-Glennon Seminary (where he also served as Academic Dean for seven years). While at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, Dr. Gresham taught courses for the Paul VI Catechetical Institute where he introduced online courses for the laity. In 2018 he accepted the opportunity to provide leadership for online education at Sacred Heart Major Seminary.
Dr. Gresham is the author of the books Jesus 101: God and Man, Holy Spirit 101: Present Among Us and co-author of Wonder and the Prayerful Study of Theology. As a member of the Society for Pentecostal Studies and a participant in the biennial Gathering in the Holy Spirit in Rome, Dr. Gresham is engaged in ecumenical dialogue with members of the Pentecostal and new (non-denominational) Charismatic churches. After receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as a teenager, John traveled a spiritual pilgrimage which carried him from the Jesus movement to the Assemblies of God and on to the Episcopal Church, ultimately finding his way home to the Catholic Church in 1996. (He shared his story on EWTN’s Journey Home program in 2008). He has been married almost 40 years, has 5 children and 3 grandchildren.

Tori Harris
Tori is a full-time, touring musician and director of Arise Worship Ministry in the Diocese of Dallas. As a musician, her songs have appeared in television, major motion pictures, and her last record was a Top-10 Christian best-seller; however, her true passion is sharing the charisms of the Holy Spirit with the global Church. Her most recent work, Holy Spirit 101, received the Nihil Obstat and imprimatur. She was appointed to the NSC Council in 2016. She lives in Carrollton, TX with her husband and son.

Mary Healy
Dr. Mary Healy is a professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan, USA, and chair of the ICCRS Doctrinal Commission. She is a frequent speaker at conferences and retreats on Scripture, evangelization, healing, and life in the Spirit.
Mary encountered the Lord in her teen years when her parents were set on fire for God through their involvement in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. In 1986 Mary received the baptism in the Holy Spirit at Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio. She joined Mother of God Community, a charismatic community in Maryland, where she later served as Coordinator for eight years. She earned MA degrees in theology from Franciscan University and in philosophy from the Catholic University of America, and completed her doctorate in biblical theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
In 2013 Dr. Healy was led to study the topic of healing, especially in relation to evangelization. Her study led her to the conviction that the Lord loves to heal far more often than we think, even through ordinary people. As the fruit of her study she wrote Healing: Bringing the Gift of God’s Mercy to the World and a book co-authored with Protestant healing evangelist Randy Clark, The Spiritual Gifts Handbook.
Part of Dr. Healy’s mission is also to help Catholics study and love the Word of God. She is co-editor of Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, a biblical commentary series that helps Catholics interpret Scripture from the heart of the Church, and the author of its volumes on The Gospel of Mark and Hebrews.
Dr. Healy serves the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian unity as a member of the Pentecostal-Catholic International Dialogue. She was appointed by Pope Francis as one of the first three women ever to serve on the Pontifical Biblical Commission.

Fr. Robert (Bob) Hogan, BBD
Fr. Robert (Bob) Hogan, BBD is one of the founding members of a new charismatic and Marian religious community called The Brothers of the Beloved Disciple. He holds a Master of Divinity, an MA in Theology and did doctoral studies in Marian Theology.
He became involved in the Renewal in 1970 while in high school. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1983. He was Archdiocesan Liaison for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in Cincinnati from 1989 – 1996. From 2000 – 2006 he served as Pastor of St. Mary Magdalen Church in San Antonio. He currently serves as Parochial Vicar there and is also working in the Renewal in the Archdiocese of San Antonio.
Fr. Bob served on the National Service Committee from 2007 to 2013. In 2011 he was elected Chairman. When his second term as member and first as Chairman ended, he chose not to stand for re-election. He is now a member of the NSC Council.

Sr. Lucy Lukasiewicz, DLJC
Sister Lucy Lukasiewicz, DLJC was born, Linda Kay Lukasiewicz, in Grand Island, Nebraska. At age 17, Linda began to hear of and experience charismatic prayer meetings and baptism in the Holy Spirit. Soon after she she was given information about the Disciples of Lord Jesus Christ, which is a Catholic Charismatic Franciscan Religious Institute of Sisters. Linda came to the Disciples at age 19, and received the name Sister Lucy as a novice. She professed her first vows in 1984, and her final vows in 1988. She was elected Superior General January 21, 2002 and served in that position for 12 years, finishing her term in January 2014. She was elected to the National Service Committee in January 2012 and was re-elected in 2015 and again this year..
Sister Lucy’s greatest joy is praising the Lord and bringing people to a deeper realization of a great God who has a plan for their life. Her heart says, ”Lord, I am your servant. I have come to do Your will.”

Matt Maher
Since his 2008 major label debut, Matt Maher has become a staple in the artistic and songwriting community. A nine time-GRAMMY® nominee and three time-GMA Dove Award winner, he has garnered multiple radio successes, writing and recording songs such as his Top 5 CCLI song “Lord, I Need You” and the chart-topping radio single “Because He Lives (Amen).”
Matt Maher achieved a career highlight in 2013 when he performed for Pope Francis and a crowd of three million people for World Youth Day in Rio de Janeiro. Two years later he performed again for the Pope in downtown Philadelphia as part of the World Meeting of Families, appearing along with The Fray, Aretha Franklin, Juanes, Jim Gaffigan and Mark Wahlberg, among others. Maher also recently joined the elite group of musicians and artists as an official Steinway Artist.

Renee Marazon
Renée Marazon is a member of the NSC Council and serves as President of the Diocese of Venice in Florida English Catholic Charismatic Renewal Commission. She is an active member St. Katharine Drexel Parish, Cape Coral, FL where she serves as a member of Pastoral Council, a Eucharistic minister, Coordinator of the parish Charism Ministry, and Moderator of the St. Catherine of Siena Dialogue Study Group. Ms. Marazon has given retreats, workshops, and parish missions throughout the U.S. and Trinidad and is currently consulting with parishes in the areas of strategic planning, senior leadership team formation, and the formation of missionary disciples. Her consultation emphasizes life in the spirit and charism discernment as foundational to dynamic parishes. She has authored over 10 publications including: Charisms of the Holy Spirit: Tools for the New Evangelization; Renewing the Renewal: A Firestorm in the Catholic Church; The Catholic Handbook of Child Growth, Development, & Learning; and Deliverance Prayer: A Matter of Wisdom, Discernment, and Obedience. She is married to David and together they have four children and eight grandchildren.

Bill Marcotte
Bill Marcotte is a member of the National Service Committee. He has over 25 years of experience in Catholic pastoral ministry experience, both at parish and diocesan levels, and brings with him a wide-range knowledge and expertise in non-profit management and developing program strategies, including collaborative communication, visionary leadership and spearheading volunteer project teams.
Since July, 2013 Bill has been Pastoral Associate\Parish Manager of St. Andrew Catholic Parish in Chandler, AZ. He previously served as Executive Director of Living Water Retreat Center, and has also served as Director of Youth and Young Adult Evangelization for the Diocese of Phoenix for over 5 years – giving support, training and vision to pastors and youth leaders throughout the Diocese of Phoenix for effective youth and young adult evangelization.
Bill earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree from Arizona State University in Communications\Public Relations and his Master’s of Theology Degree from the University of San Francisco.
Since 1984 Bill has been active in youth, young adult and adult evangelization pioneering a variety of new methods of evangelization and catechists through the founding of Youth Arise North America (now Caritas in Veritate), and Catholic Network Ministry. From 1994 to 2000, he served as Our Lady of Mt. Carmel’s Director of Youth and Young Adults. In 1999 received the “Vision Award” from the Diocese of Phoenix in Youth Evangelization.
He is married to Beth and they have five children. Bill and his family reside in Tempe and attend Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish. He was elected to the NSC in March 2015 and reelected in 2018.
Lisett Mata deCrooks
Lizett Mata deCrooks is a Catholic, Spirit-filled Christian, who encountered the love of Christ in a deeper way when she was 38. Soon after that, she was led into serving in the Catholic Renewal and various parish-related ministries. She has been a blessed business woman with over 20 years’ experience and eight years as a Director of international Trade in import-export compliance, customs legal and international transportation.
She is presently on the service team of the new Christ Alive! Women’s Ministry, coordinating the Hispanic breakfasts. She is a dynamic catholic disciple actively using all her gifts – serving the community and just being an authentic wife. What a wonderful way to serve. Praise the Lord to allow her to feel this profound Joy of being what her husband and family call “the little helper.”

Jessica Navin
Jess loves to set things on fire. More specifically, to set people on fire with the power of the Holy Spirit. After discerning her vocation for 3 years with the Poor Clares, Jessica joined the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) in 2011 to lead the Spiritual Impact Bootcamp, a retreat that helps participants experience the love and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Since then, she has coordinated over 185 retreats for college students in the United States and Europe. Jessica currently serves FOCUS as Manager of Spiritual Formation and resides in Denver.

Fr. Anthony Ouellette
Fr. Anthony Ouellette is a priest of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, ordained in 2006. He was assigned as the Ecclesial Assistant (Liaison) to the Charismatic Renewal for his archdiocese in 2009. His encounters with the Renewal began after high school during his service in the U.S. Navy, 1992-1998, where he served as an Electronics Technician, spending four and a half years of that time overseas in the Asian Pacific.
After one year of college upon his discharge from the Navy, he was accepted by his archdiocese as a seminarian. His seminary formation began at Conception Seminary College, Conception, Missouri, and finished at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. It was during those years of seminary that he again had encounters with the Renewal specifically through retreats and fellow seminarians. Since his ordination, he has served as an associate pastor, a high school chaplain twice, and has been pastor for six different parishes.
His current assignment is as Pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish and Chaplain of Bishop Ward High School both of Kansas City, Kansas. As a liaison and member of the Association of Diocesan Liaisons, he is the current Chairperson of its six-person Steering Committee. Since February of 2016, he has been religious formation with a new Augustinian public association of the faithful in his archdiocese called the Society of St. Augustine He was elected to the NSC in 2018.

Annie Sarlo
Annie Sarlo is an apostle of Jesus Christ who is currently serving as Director of Youth Ministry, Diocese of Allentown, PA (Schuylkill Region).
Experiencing a personal call from Christ to forsake all for the glory of the Kingdom, Annie began serving in the Church as a missionary in 1993 at the age of 19. With over 25 years of experience in Catholic ministry, Annie has a contagious joy and passion for evangelization, ecumenism and supporting youth and young adults on their journey of faith.
Annie lived in the Philippines for 10 years as a missionary and is blessed to now be serving our diocese. Living a life of singular dedication to Christ, Annie’s life of prayer and union with Christ are what fuel her ministry. Possessing a great sense of adventure, Annie enjoys Martial Arts training, hiking, kayaking and cooking.

Bishop Peter L. Smith
Bishop Peter Smith was born in South Africa in 1958 and raised there. He obtained degrees in business and law at university, then moved to the USA and joined the People of Praise community and its Brotherhood.
Bishop Smith was ordained a priest in the Archdiocese of Portland in June 2001, became Vicar General, Moderator of the Curia in 2013, and was appointed Auxiliary Bishop in 2014 by Pope Francis. He is currently serving on the Ecumenism, Marriage and Family Life, Canonical Affairs, and Africa committees of the US Bishops Conference. He is also currently involved in several ecumenical projects and ministries.
Bishop Smith is a member of the CHARIS International Service of Communion for North America and the Caribbean (English and French speaking).
Music Ministry

Carrie Bajzath and Friends